Show no mom w tb waits waite M nhsn can set your buggy and wagon tire the COLD in ill a few mi minutes no more burned fellows or bad welds we mite mate your tire pre tight ond anil mate mako the price right at THE STONE SHOP A W norton nollon sons R G dark clad V D dentist PHYSICIAN or dr DD TEBBS ohice hours from 1 to 3 in Loca teed at Pan gultCh titter noon at hia for calls avi office equi equipped aped with every tJ tah modern madera commission comply company k wi will ali take any ahny anio amount of good steer calves at j 44 2500 25 00 0 aft alid anny amount of at t ya V V it W js A no notice e 7 1 the it 1 te bank of garfield to hanoy aay oNti draft al 1 ia lit 1913 3 t A it rushes S s no dirle rence WHO or wh what atthe the arnotti is 0 T re invite your atte attention ution to the folloW foltiny ingre Yc sons albit an il BiT lt it riad makes it an offense fe aira pi or by buth both state bankah laws las by ahl in no abse shall an ow ofa f a bank bafik and hiudt be charged atols t 6 0 neav to connected A oft aarni demand ind which n mahy W t bielut K f ts abts cashier t opt cfall fall goob to sn iii and invite your of sui caso at the sa U panguitch utah mah pug panguitch hitch equitable ble ass ASSAIL lie i new line of fall and winter goods just 48 st in and an uy to date line of furs ladies adies cloaks mens Ovre overcoats oats ete eft garf garfield beld county telephone telephoned honeC co 0 county telephone company utah connects marysol Marys nl junction panguitch itch lone mallcy ind and Fred fradonia otLia Ariz onti and many minor places this company kaa spared no effort to pr provide ovidii for ile farmers farmere of bf ISM com the th best bent tor lor instant not only with their heigh bom but w with it h the largo trade centers ih ift fact if inthey the 7 so desire they tan roach reach cointa such as aa b 4 for addrow D benl Pang till jr 1 j MaU OitT aso solicited licit od i 1 A A clark s via S shoe hoe holism hoidge I 1 chos for foi go goad C d k ole at low p prices r i c es panguitch utah 0 o 9 4 NOMINE N LISTS S I 1 vr 8 A j y AV A V A fl A A a i republican TIP ket A for M mayor byor f for of mayor 11 clemant teba i for ili 0 r d c k 1 pot j carrh church S i s adt t por for treasurer wilfard pendleton acu bleton eton ti if lf t fw Council councilmen mn fil 4 1 year uhri for councilman ilman t james E D dowalter ho walter for councilman Council nian 2 beak term fa far r coun Council miln 2 ye term U ira 11 nv 7 hillah PI for councilman 2 benr ferrn 4 1 for Coun clim ani an 2 year term terin thomas thomaa advy so vy ii y F for or councilman 2 yetar term 0 far councilman 2 y year r term jamest du dahly jr state of utah uenh county count Y i i v vt l W i th S W 0 1 aea alty h recorder car r bow towo 0 cieck city town grfield Garli eld bod that ave 6 a r 4 K i C c J r g h t nc s pc i e th the f for M uh M C A 1 pame a tyvr ht ae pa I 1 C tuc i e i v Nov croler M I 1 4 aavo b eon reg r I 1 c a capor r X V 1 21 fit t 6 i e in witness whereof J h 0 att my arntt d on ond end d aff aed hy y nt at pari pad chis 18 day D leial A X elizabeth S worthen city I 1 town C dehu f they matte make apu fel 60 good faher pleasant puria purgative aUVe tiVe affe effect ct ed cd bk bir chabbert chambert Ch chamberlains ambert if n a and lived and the healthy condition of baly arid and widd which they create abne feel joyful for sale eale by all deal 4 the he famili Medi ciric iti in every horrid d tare thre adafe ii be a bat bottle of dr Kin kingade kinga gANe new w discovery ready ta for arim immediate in w when any member of the family co contracts n ir acts a chad or a cough prompt use will W stop ae the spread af pf of sick flick ness nass SA am of mason mich writes myhola my hole family depends upon dr kinga Kinks now new discovery as g the best cough and cold medicine in the world two boc bottled cured mo mb of pneumonia thousands of other familio famil IB hive have been equally benefited and depend upend entirely upon uan dri dr kings king 0 a new discovery to cure their coughs and lung troubles U every dose rag price sac and 16 0 all alf drufes ts H E backler co palla delp delphia biA or st louls llouis advert advertisement eczema and itching durad r f medication med icat loh iri DR DD HOBSONS ECZEMA OINTMENT M ENT pare penetrates birkery tiny pore at the afie skin deara li ii of all itching ins tanal dr eczema Is ia if OR apic ad eczema rashes arn teller afi and other dother unsightly eruptions becz e md nt is is q a actors oc tors swe ftfe A L drip tion riat an ajl aru t fists sta or by roal pfeiffer br phelix did cal PUl adolphia and louis adv |