Show DREYFUS JUDGMENT interpreted BELIEVES HE WILL SUFFER DETENTION rennes sept 10 so tar as can be ascertained military men are perfectly satisfied with the which they interpret as safeguarding the honor of the army and at the same time doing to dreyfus who has an act of mercy sufficiently expiated his crime they say in the awful existence be has passed on devils island they point out that to fort corle it will even it be Is sent be to receive henceforth the humane treatment he has experienced since his return to prance one strange fact Is the extraordinary defense of the opinion respecting the exact effect of the judgment whether he can be degraded again and whether the five years solitary confinement he undergone will be regarded as equivalent to the ten years detention to which he la now sentenced and he will bo released next month this matter is quite aside from the general impression that he will be pardoned in a fow days by president loubet who will find some ground to exercise clemency M demange thinks the five years will count for nothing and that drey ue according to the law will have to suffer ten years detention many others however including several lawyers hold a contrary opinion and declare that he will be released in october this as already cabled Is the belief of dreyfus himself the correspondent of the associated press thia afternoon interrogated M compers Cou pers bhe clerk of the court martial on this point ha was most emphatic in declaring that dreyfus must serve ten years from abo dale of a fresh degradation the court martial having considered the case as beginning when dreyfus appeared before them disregarding altogether bis previous sentence M eald 1 I have no doubt whatever that according ito the military code dreyfus must undergo degradation he was reinstated as a captain in the army and be appeared before the court in uniform that he will actually be put through this cruel ordeal I 1 think doubtful if it depended on me I 1 know what I 1 should do and the president of the republic may thi with me col also declared that dreyfus must servo ten years but ing with friends today toe expressed a conviction that there would not be a fresh degradation this ceremony requires breaking the prisoners deword and tearing off his epaulets but dreyfus never had his sword restored to him and he only wore undress torm without epaulets u that it would lie impossible to carry out the regulations for degradation this Is col view those who think dreyfus will be released in october because the five yeara on devils island will wipe out the present sentence sea in the fact that he was sentenced or exactly ten beare a confirmation of view but they are mistaken he was sentenced to ten years not because that happens to double his confinement on doelle island but according to mil |