Show EVANS SPEECH comments of salt lake papers on his oratorical effort david evans speech yesterday buforo alio legislative committee on bribery is too long and rambling to merit reproduction in full in alio standard so wo give the introductory remarks on hig talk as they appear in the tribune and herald thus giving the opinions of alie mccune and law factions as d by these two papers which follow what alie herald says evans occupied just four hours in liia closing arguments for alie prosecution adding to aliis tho hour and a half allowed to judge acy it required the prosecution civo hours and a halt to do all alie talking they considered alie exigencies of their caso demanded mr counsel respecting tho request of the commit tco by limiting themselves to a over three hours the period fixed by the committee mr evans argument hardly deserved that name it was a good stump speech of the eugene daba cosey variety where the workingman is eulogized and lauded to alie skies while the man who by his industry and energy and ability lias accumulated a fortune is howled at and anathematized as a tyrant oppressor and slave driver tt was a in which the phrases god of mammon rule of gold corroding influence of money appear cd in every sentence mr evins wasted little time on the evidence in alie case at alio very start ho postulated the guilt of mr mccune and from then on ho placed a jackson t on liis every word and ave ydeen during the campaign lie painted law in seraphic colors BO pure good that ho needed but a pair oi wings to fly away to alie place where good boys go and starling with liis two characters thus drawn lie proceeded to weave a beautiful fairy talo through which his two glided ono at every turn growing blacker and blacker and delving deeper into sin while the other floated along on pure clouds above all tho sordid temptations ot earth there was little resemblance to the facts in alie case in the way he recited the story of mr lawa acquaintance with mr mccune ho ran hurriedly hur ridly through the talc distorting and maltreating mal treating the evidence so frequently that even the committe had to tell him eliat lie was misstating alie facts and when it came to the final hour of speaking mr evans outdid himself his own personal hatred y of mr me cune was evident in every word no was too fareh no simile too no expression too improper for him from insinuation he turned to anathema from anathema to abuse coarse and flavored with billingsgate lie of mr mcclunes Mc Cunes hordes of hired minions slaves of mammon purchased hirelings lie spoke of the hellish influences and the damnable crimes of the man he was attacking ho raved and ranted and yelled and beat jhc thc air until the perspiration streamed from hia every pore and the drums of hia auditors nearly snapped that was about all there was in hie speech it would have been a good speech before a crowd of socialists an anchieta arc hieta or anarchistic socialists but it bored or angered most of the little crowd in the committee room whose heads were aching from the noise and who were most of them only praying for the i nd being compelled to endure even liis own friends gaid they thought him too radical considered he had been too harsh and too bitter for the exigencies of the case and trembled constantly lest he overstep the bounds and atrain the patience of the committee to the breaking point |