Show COLLEGE DEBATES east and west to contest in oratory ann arbor mich march 3 the orators of the universities of pennsylvania and michigan will meet in university hall tonight to debate the feasibility of disarmament of nations especial importance attaches to the contest it will be the first meeting te the east and west in this field and additional dit ional interest Is felt as pennsylva nias representatives defeated cornell last week frequent attempts have been made in the past to bring the eastern and western colleges together but all have tailed BO when it was definitely announced that michigan was to meet laD M ferry of detroit offered as a testimonial to go to the three men who were to represent michigan the men who will represent pennsylvania are james W riddle jr philadelphia roland S morris pennsylvania and william II allen minnesota the team to represent michigan la composed of L A lawton M II 11 carmody grand rapids and F D eaman detroit the judges will be edward R buffalo J L griffiths indianapolis and judge william H white duffalo the presiding officer has not been chosen |