Show FOURTH OF JULY will 11 be the most patriotic event of the exina kin a evor held chicago jane june 16 president mckinley and president ex harrison Harr will wilt be invited to deliver fourth ot of anly addresses addressee in chicago Chi cao mayor harrison arrison II strongly favors an old fashioned celebration of independence day with booming of cannon fireworks fire music and oratory lie ile caused a resola tiou to be introduced in the councils ancile co lent laet session session for an appropriation for each euch action 41 ollon and alter after conference conferences with A A sprague Spra eue A 11 II ravel judge tuthill and others a committee on organization was announced among the members of the commale are mayor hartison judge tuthill Tat bill fed fred W peck ex mayor washburne comptroller ex eckles cr er governor altgeld arid and general fitzsimmons Fitzsimmon fi city officials the army end and navy left league gue prominent citi citizens zeng and business bae inces inen men will join forces to make the day lemorl memori able in the history tho the intention ie Is to hold a great central meeting at the auditorium in the afternoon president ex fl arrison will be ue invited to preside and efforts will be made to secure the attendance of dent mckinley with this gd gathering herinK smaller etu aller meetings will be held in different part parts ot of the city where the Deol amdon of independence till will be read and patriotic addre addresses sees will be b delivered displays of fireworks and military mili tiry band concert concerts will be given in the three divisions of the city in the even evenitz inZ at which reserved feat seats will be kid the proceeds pro ceede to go to the army and navy league for the relief of the wives wires and nod children ot of the soldiers who have gone to the front in the war with spain |