Show HERE is what was not intended aa an answer but ia an answer to bryans omaha speech and it cornea from one of his former mp porters the new york journal the united states wants peace of course but it will be granted only on oar own terms no reason exists why we should show any favor to a nation that has been a carse to ua as a neighbor and is a nuisance nuie ance to the world she brought the war upon her belf by her wickedness cruelty and stubbornness we have a right to derive whatever advantage we can tho unpleasant cask of whipping whip pine her that bae been forced upon us the american people who would havo been satisfied a few months ago with withdrawal from cuba now naturally and justly demand much more short of the following concessions the united states will hardly u abent to put up the sword the independence pen dence of cuba cession to us of porto hico cession of the philippines cession of the ladrone delands cession of the caroline islands |