Show FROM HAWAII mr dimond gets a divorce from his wife and the custody of the child the action of queen in repudiating the validity of her act of abdication victoria march 5 correspondence of the united associated etaamer 1 honolulu feb 25 the dimond divorce closed yesterday after ten days trial judgment was promptly prom ply given the husband with the custody of the child and no alimony to the wife spectators and the press were excluded no violence ou the husbands part was proved except that in a violent about her conduct with a caval officer ho shot at her and her info a chair her theatrical engagement is understood to have contributed to defeat her claims the custody of the child both parties receive bome the wife was married at 18 to a young and indiscreet husband who aras apt to nil hie bouee with naval and other gay companions the royalist paper the independent discredits the washington report that Liliuo kalam had repudiated the validity of her achot abdication all the papers have entirely abstained from comment while awaiting awai tine further news the general belief here is that she has done it in order to be in a better position as queen to ask mr cleveland to claim for her a money indemnity tor her dethronement loss of income of crown lands on the ground which cleveland admitted that she was dethroned by united states naval forces she wants 0 o start her suit with endorsement indorsement indor it is not believed that ehe would resume an attitude of open hostility to this government in mere wantonness wanton nesa without a specific object many persons believe when she left here that the object of her visit was to enter a suit |