Show PLUG the umpire now decides that BATTLE AX is not only decidedly bigger in size than any 7 other 5 cent piece of tobacco but the quality is the finest he ever saw and the flavor delicious you will never know just how good it is until you try it iiii Ji ii S HORROCKS 2427 mm buy your baby shoes at S horrocks finest line in the city just received one thousand pairs prices from 40 cents up S HORROCKS f 2427 Wa the new alidene cure the greatest modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia impotency and all disorders af the sexual organs let us over the manifesting them avea 1 the loss of manhood is uncertain wandering and always the weakened physical condl ion a tired feeling t the slightest memory gone prostration absolute impotency followed by con before insanity and death MEDICINE paris and new york carr wee tern agent cor grant alvenu after tooth soap clean teeth are particularly desirable for all classes and conditions of people keep our teeth clean and save dentist bills the justly celebrated Char coHne tooth soap cannot be beat 1 c per box wm driver pharmacist 2443 washington avenue salt lake city anil per aalt S C EWING wearers of apparel are requested 10 inspect our nobby of manhattan make percale shirts newest ivas broadway styles A hubn A L u we met alii competition AND and give 5 per cent discount on all cash orders sugar excepted FRED F BOND GROCER 2455 washington avenue telephone no prompt delivery KELLERS meat has the choicest of meats dont buy until you see OUR beef mutton pork veal poultry game and fish in season all kinds of sausages etc 2472 washington AVENUE PHONE bra PILLS IT adim brunert 1 1 t ked 1 wy linan aitio ih bin ribbon tale y 14 t in damp 4 tor adi bf 1 11 A ltv lh fir 1 Iroc 1 your nime for a souvenir the work 0 eugene field FIELD FLOWERS the fw monument souvenir the anost beautiful art production of the century A mall cf he not f om from tbt aroid ecru f field firm LOT contains a election of the most beautiful of the poem of eocene bield handsomely illustrated by thirty five of the worlds greatest artist as their contribution to the monument fund nut for abe bobit of tb treat abi book could not baca bared corsale at book store or sent prepaid on receipt of tio the love the childs poet laureate published by the committee to create a fund to build the monument and to care for the family of the beloved poet eugene field monument souvenir fund bor chicag ill headquarters lor screen door all icinda and cizes cheap the eccles lumber co BARGAINS IN WHEELS that is just what we are giving we haye new and second hand wheels that we are offering at ridiculously low prices if you have been waiting for a snap now is your time call and see them at the fair ariy riy fall ArrS vaSs BLANKETS COMFORTS DRESS GOODS BLACK GOODS we are making a special effort in our fall dress goods we have a new lot of laces and ribbons just in reese howell son best coffee grown Wor perfection guaranteed jones lewis jay TJ T J 70 twenty street 01 women lind permanently cured wit hoxit pain or the the FIDELITY every case need not cured the truss discarded over cured in the last years consultation breci lure 10 dr A M physician rhys ician in charge room 30 atlas block salt lako city utah A F business manager DAVID president vice president JAUE f the first national bank OF efah capital prote accounts of banlos corporation Corpora tiow finns and individuals solicited david james ebarp darnard white II 11 F r thos D dee joserh geo H otibe adam do you spray if so see the sulphur cyclone nozzle at A L 0 rl salt lake logan ogden write for 1896 catalogue harvesting machinery blacksmiths write for illustrated hardware catalogue i |