Show funeral services the funeral services over the remains 0 precilla P tyrrell were bield at the family residence on jefferson Jeff ereon avenue between twenty seventh and twenty eighth streets at 11 a m tuesday august alth there wag a large attendance of friends and relatives the services were conducted by rov dr jeffrey of the M E church who read several of scripture in relation to death and the after life lie aleo made bome ampro remarks on the subject lie aben by request of friende of the deceased introduced elder hall who has A f 1 been acquainted with lira tyrrell and her husband for forty elder hall spoke of his long and intimate acquaintance with deceased in her native land and in this country he spoke alenot her devotion to god and her christian life in her youth and early womanhood he then delivered a short discourse on the literal resurrection of the body and the restoration of to all the family relations in an intense fled degree in the kingdom of god in closing he sympathized with the bereaved husband and prayed that the blessings 0 divine providence may aej and assist him in ills bereavement elder charles welch was nest introduced he also bad been acquainted with mr tyrrell a long elder hall had and indorsed all that had been said by ibo previous speakers bearing testimony to the pure life and character of the deceased dr jeffrey made a few closing remarks the music was furnished by the choir of the st E church the remains were interred in the ogden cemetery airs tyrell emigrated to utah in the year 1853 |