Show tho ori alii of a climou Ili mou the follo wius account of the origin of a well known motto foru timepiece nu or false 1 worth recording year ago a new clock mis made to b placed in the temple hall when finished the clockmaker was desired to wait on th benchers of the temple who would think of tul table motto to put under the clock he applied everni times but without get ting the information they luid not determined on tho inscription continuing to them he at last cadt when the old bencher were met in ball and lifted juat eat down to dinner the workman again requested to bo in formed of the motto one of the becchers benchers ben chers who thought the application timed and fonder of eating and drinking than original mottoes replied go about your business the mechanic taking tha for an answer to hii question went home and inserted at th bottom of the clock go about your busi and placed it on the temple hall tt the great surprise of the becchers benchers ben chers jhc upon considering the agreed eliat accident had produced a better mott than they could think of and over since tbt temple clock has continued to remind lawyers and the public to go about theli bub inese million |