Show HAY EATING HOGS G W of oregon belh a san examiner reporter about alic hay minis gioga they raise in the webfoot country hogs fattened on alfalfa make excellent and it i strange aliat more utah farmer do not put their altale i to that of blacking it and carrying over from year to year as many of them do here is wh it the oregon men say one of the curious we have caught conr boss to 10 lo 1 to eat hay like diores li ores they trill do ft too and thrive c in fact in winter they get nol liing else it aleafa alfafa hay we have taught them 0 o eat it is put fn a rack that li not too hah anil that aliet con reach up to and thiry pull it nut just like horse and cattle yon fan what you 1 about lio but there i a more in hloi at price that have this year than there is in steer and you only have to keep him one third I 1 azak partially as a and partially a a rancher for I 1 ninover acre that Is down li alfalfa when I 1 lived in santa county ten ag rt I 1 think much about such A condition of affair as tin but it 1 fully demonstrated to ine hog ere to be our crent yield in the hasin I 1 believe they will belli belona of california what do we do to stiffen ap and round out the hay eating hoe turn them into a field of wheat a hundred acres or so according to the number you have and let them eat it right from the stem it then up in maker BS hand tonn boril as you would wish to A in the way of temp aranco reform ii about to be tried in new york village given by alie new york press the scheme is aa follows A num berot prominent citizens including inc ludine the president and several clergymen clerey men propose to take under their own control alie sale of intoxicating liquore their object they declare is to supply the reasonable wanta of temperate persons for alcoholic stimulants no treating ia to lie allowed and neither drunkenness nor an approach to it is to ba A committee will pass upon the of persons to liquor may be sold while to persons to whom the proper authorities leavo forbidden tho ealo of liquor none whatever will be eold minora are not to be allowed in tho under any circumstances spirits will not be sold in arper quantities alian a single glass except en order and all sales of this class wil bo carefully recorded alie profits of alio venture which are expected to be largo will bo applied to alie reduction of town the outcome of tine curious scheme will bo awaited with interest DAK DS QUILL in 1 letter to the salt inke write kiowa concern dinst the proposed consolidation of utah 7 I 1 hear std anany our people jthn annexation of utah to nevada atre seem to hava any thought ot capture it would iw somewhat like shrimp tackling end ew allowing a full broan lobster or a tall forth and unto itself A do after the capture of utah nevada would occupy a poil tion nebout a important ai that which wa held by the fly that sat on the chariot wheel for nevada to caturi cp turi utah would lie about edich a foal for fah capture man by and he bield olt 10 him by the biped nevada i no jack the blant killer GAS and ure quan ties of it exists in the neighborhood of Bria liam city and lias been utilized util izad in alie burning of line and brick well as for light and fuel the report tells of the farat well near that alny jl ny that with stupendous force it jk tame pushing from the earth so great v c t waa the force that tin cam placed over the pipe were thrown in the air more than feet and po powerful were its illuminating ray that on main street in abie city shadow could be been on daris night a distance of one mile and a half from the well if sufficient capital was bad to develop there welle to the capacity ther should be developed we feel positive they would be equal to any in hie country aad bo alie means of making tins vicinity what nature intended it for a great luring country is carrying out the civil service reform rules with a vengeance to the hungry democrats hi action will savor of offensive repair lie lias appointed as ilia private secretary J G bryon who was secretary foster efficient acu detary the place is A good one and by right belonged to x Denu crat the tribune bays tha appoint mant will a depressing effect upon the truly loyal and the wil for once feol a tremor of of the gentlemen with pulla will begin questioning the of their tries richfield conaty advocate says the people of ita ejection leave resented certain impositions upon then by the atio grand western road and will patronize alie union P cefic in preference it says the 0 acera of the former company aio trying to persecute cute tho people because they refuted to make a donati them of about worth of real estate bat they are buting off their to spile their faces SALT citizens should feel jubilant today if the tribune etalea the building of an immerso adelter and copper refinery 1 of that kind employing men will golon waya toward giving capitalists confidence to go ahead will alio building of the of deep creek railroad for a deal of ore will be required to beba the works in operation SATS ti eiko free ogden eya eiko is not tc b the capital of the new tato that is to be ade by annexing annex ins utah to nevada but that ogden will bo right in the aia when the timo comes tor tha chango all right mr ARD but eiko ie to for it 11 II the earns |