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Show ' SUMMONS.' tn the Justice's Court, of Mitlbura Precinct, San Pete county. Territory of Utjih. Before George A. abnsltie. Justice of the Peace. R. W. Jenkins Plainttff, ) vs Summon. John T)oe Defendant. ( . To John D.e, whose name IS otherwise unknowo. Defendant: . , . You are hereby requested to appear before this court, on Tuesdav. the th day of set.. A D 189 t 10 o'cln-k a in of said d.iy to answer a complaint filed aeaintt yo.i. wherein said p'.amtilf damn the sum of S1.00 damages caused bv your uium.il) tretpassiug on his premises, at Millburn Precinct, k said animals described at follow! rwit: ' ( me bav horc. both hlna !t--it r'.v.l!-.. isddle mart:, branded R on left shoulder, C p " ft Hugh. ! qw (combined! on left hip. Sow hei'ig held at tht promise 1 ol said plajuliff at Millburn Precinct. . . .. ... And you are heraby notified that il you fail to appear ap-pear and answer said complaint at the ui: assd place aforesaid, judgment will be taken agMnst for Si .00 the amount of said damage, the cost of keeping said animal and the costs of this suit. Dated this aith day of Augint. i8. GaoFoia A. ZanRiiKm. Justice of tho rtace. |