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Show i - i 1L i-c- 4A ? f V. T. REID. f Probate & Lan.i Attorney, f Manli. Uuh. V Has had longer practice in Land mattcis than any Attorney in the cum fs jiL CllOIsen, Pure Urea Percheron HCRSES. HandlingHorses a Spe-cialty. MT. FLESANT, UTAH. SAVINGS BANK ' AND ' TRUST COMPANY. v Capital i $50,000 Surplus $4,000 Geo. C.Whitniore.Pres, W. I. Browa,Yice-l'f- . 1 t&ift Jonas H. Ericksoo, X!' ''' James K. Clinton,, JHrectorsff" '"S James. E. Farshee, i Jas. H. Peterson, J Alma Hague, Cashier. General Ranking Business. Interest paid 011 Savings Deposits, nt. nej 10 f .uu on teal estate : , FIRST IUTWAj BANK! 1 OF- - ' i NEPHI.UTAH. f v li W. K. REID. i ATTORNEY ATLAW. i MANTl UTAH. Practice in all the courts ot theTerritory. Wm Z.MiRISKIE. PROBATE ATTNOREY. Mt. Pleasant Utah. Business promptly attended to. 7. C. ISA ILEY, LAND ATTORN KY. Office next d jor to U S Land O.Tice, Salt Lake City. Obtains patterns for Agricultural, Desert and Mineral Lands. Correspondence solicited and infor-mation given. 1 PEOPLES STORE. JOS. slmORNTON, BM IN General MerchCdise. and the Products of the Country. Prices as low as the lowtst. Jos. S.Thornton, Ferron.Ulati C. S. WILKES, OFFICB IS U. S. LAN!) O Fl'B BI IMIINU. LAND AGENT AND ATTORNEY Obtain Patents for Agricultural and Mineral Lauds. Oeo. W. Parks, : E. D. R. Tlio iipson Late Rwsetve- - U.S. Land otllce. Attirney, PARKS & THOMPSON, Land and Mining Attorneys. Office in U. S. Land Office Building. Gineral practice in all Courts Salt Lake Citv, Utah. C.Andrews &Co. NEPIII & EPHRAIM. Highest Prices raid IN CASH For Grain, Wool, Hide's and Pelts. We arc also Agents for the Three liest Wagons in the Mar ket. THE BAIN, THE MITCHEL. THE COOPER All At Salt Lake Prices. -- jo C Andrews & Co. H. Bird. - ,lames Lowe. IWUUam BIRD & LOWE, Agents & Attorneys, I Offiice next door do U.SJ.and Office, 8lt LAks Citt. UtAh. TI11 promote o Am In rontostcrrftnd suspi'iio'-rdciuwsl- n lie t-- d Oflw at. sn't. ink' t'liv, Utah, a 1 Ctenprm land om in Waliinrtin. 1. O. obtain ptiien'i on Rones'Hfid, jt ivMrt a d Tlmi er culture Ent ies. ud upun ! coal and Mlui-ra- l lands. MnrnJ Information (. ivliiing tn lauds furnished wltnsiain .l'lutta and i Diagramed. ii i T. Y. JENSEN. TINNER. Mauufavtrer uf Tiu andCopper Ware. Roofing and G'jutter woik. 3rd south street, East 3 jt blocks. Eoltraiin. Utah. I 10- - I i - :: Paid up Capital $5 0,000 SurpuUis 25,00a i 6ENEBAL BANKING v In All Its Branches. ; Draws sight drafts on the prinr'pal T!; cities of the United Stales; sells d abi "S cm the chief cities of Europe; dad ia ewhaiige aud general securities. I - C'uUectlsiu Pr o?tl- AtCsnUaJ to . V - Accounts merchants, m.iuulactureis, T miiies and Individuals solicited. i; ' Directors- - ' Geo. C. Whitmore, Jones (I. I.rkkson, VL L.S. Hills. Jaiues II. Mynders, V James E. Cliiitun '. f, j Officers. 'S Geo. C. Whitmore. P(den, t jr1 Junes M. Ericksou, jf Alma Hague, Cashier. T t ; . L ) Money to Loan! Lcmlard Invsstaent Com- - ' xaiiT ( I Is Jjoaning Money an Very Fasy j Terms. BST'Mt Cutness Protuptly Attended to. 5 it In tJty wilt rue tirr irnis txi ' IV. li. Shli-ts- , ft Ephraim, Utak X ' ' J Agents for the Cooper Wagons, and McCor-mi- c Machinery. r ! r. 1. 11 a,r,'.in CARRIES A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CHOICE GROCERIES AND DRYGOODS. MENS CLOTHING FROM Sj. SUIT AND UPWARDS. BOYS AND YOUTHS SUITS $1,50 AND UPWARD. STRAW HATS IN GREAT VARIETY, FROM 10 CTS AND UPWARDS. Summer 'ata 7." fonta. Crockery and Glassware. Brocade c'.s. per 1 ,ir,f. Calico ( i ts fer yard. Alpaca 2J cts per yard. Chintse Silk 15 cts per yard. Satteen 15 cts per yard IS J i I m I I v sia Ki.:3'i.-i!-5sas;- v E. M. NELSONS S23ARBER Hair cutting. a;cts Sliaviuu, I5cts One Door west of City Hall, ))3 4 Ephraim, Utah Sttti t4 VhfifX N OTIC E! Send vour orders to J. S. JOR-GE NSEN, Efhraim, Utah, by tele-gram or letter whenyou are in want oj a conveyance, to take you to any place-in- , or outside of the County, at very low Prices. 2s Ephraim, Utah. The BenchHouse MANTI i Blocks s outh of the "Jatik. R'luiiAitA aifl UtfurniihiA, GOOD 1AUI.US. Bi3Uatcs $1.0 and $1.35 per day.VxS c. ;. Ei'.xi it., Pnp. Special- Kates by the week. Goot' Commercial Sample Room. Good Ball Rooms. Free Conveyance to the Tern pie. Teams will meet parties at Cheste when so desired. 3 T 33 3j Mary Knighton's New House. Good Accomodations, Sample Rooms, Etc. Salina, - - Uath MILLINERY SHOP. Miss Clir stina Peterson, dealer in Hats, and I. idi is Fancy Goods, 2 doors Last of Citv 1. ill, C;iue Street. E ihiaini, Utah. I 8 9 ' " M. JENSEN'S PS3t3raoli Gallery. Card S ze - - fi.oo per doz Victoria - 1 5 Cabinet - - ,1 2.00 r FlttST t'L.IRS WOKK. i Ag?Dt for Dr. I'etjr's Moitlcinos. i Kurtko Uterine, i D.) cod where the Hest medicines and U ct jis fail to cure.Main Sreet.Ephr.iim f;) $2 i A S:itch in time saves nine, "And may be the means of Saving your Lite limbs. See that your Harness is in good fix, which you can do by cal ingon Jas. V. Stevensen, HARNESS MAKER. One and half blocks South of Post office Main Street, Ephraim. Harnesses of all kinds made to order, woik wairamed, charges moderate. EPHRAIM HOUSE Mrs. Ellen Dorms, Prop. Good accommodations and Sample Room. Main Street - - Ephraim Opposite Post 0 flic i I Sheep taken on Shares! ; Big Interest Paid. ForfullparticularsA dJress or call on Ole Christensen, j blocks east of Co-o- p Store, Olterslrom's Blackmith shop, Ephraim. X i 1 7 Fielding House, JokIi. Fielding. Proprietor, Good Accomodations For Tracelers and Temple Visitors, Al ais made welcome.Good roonif 0-a FIELDING'S EXPRESS WAGONS. Passengers & Ire'glit Cairied between Chester, Ephraim am W.H. Olsten ,M. D. Manli quickly and with safety. Ephraim. V. W. Woodring, M-'D- . Mt. Pleasant, Physicians & Surgeans. Telegraras will only be an-swered if mad- - or endorsed by responsible parties 2 J3 . - - i. ..I, W. B. J. Stacey DENTIST. I All fork warranted. t i Jifanti, and Ephraim Utah, ji i r ROBEET BODEN Dealer in, and manufacture of, Monument3, Headstones Tablets and Vaults. Stone Trimmings for Build ' ngs a Sfieciality. Iron Fencf, Building Ston Etc. 4-- 24 Depot Street, Nepl Gents Undenvear in Various styles Large Assortment of Ladies Underware. J Ladies Collars and Neckwear in Gret Vari.f Hose in every size and quality. Prices to a ish you. PETSSSON&HANSOIT, r CENTER STREET.Ef f C Hason s Fruit Jars, Provo il Crockery. E22gsy;Tl ""itty Ephraim Butcher Shop Christensen & Jacobsen wholesale and retail butchers, BEEF, MUTTON, SAUSAGE. PORK j j Met promptly delivered. Register Buildine.Main Stieet, Ephrain I iThe County Eegister or HAS ft IK OHM'V. ' , Ephraim, Utah. - Sept. 4, 1800 I HI", ul.lt sink v. A rtUv .th a bund oM sp.ikc i a huiriti nun , And id "A tula' a h'.i:nl truiu; " Ami ihen tt uj ti .e:in "Mdiicunics J ttm f j1 I fc.ir" 1 . Maid bt tut eon cat h .outi hat t.y thi horrid ..Id wnir day I ttill be earned oft '' THe horrid man thctt totd anew The- story that is uid- - "I wh." satd he. "that I miht he j 'I b.it horrid, hutrid cwld." auic odors t.f the pine-wo- rm the higher peaks, In ning healih and vigol on its r,.i, wings, tins stemiuglv incon-gruous, but tiuiy htrmoniotis mass of humanity proceeded lo organize nscll it - toa formal body lot hans cling business. Day alter day unloliled the caieful prepared plan of woik, and paKes alter pages of hastily wtiticii notes bore wit-ness lo the zeal ol the teachers U profit by their law enloiced holiday; bin il any-body expects ilie chronicler to follow them liiioiigh the l.ibyimths of the stud-ies and diciissions uf that august asseni hlage.thal 1) nlv is doomed to disappoint-nieni- ; for surely there weie enough and Correspondents among them to do that part ot the busiuess;aud il Hot let it go undone, say I. I'lusaiuiul is of thebieezv, outside world, and has noth-ing to do with text books, plans and revisions. Session closed at 11..30, to be resum-ed at 2..10 Moie picnic, more chatter, mote laughter, more p issing to and Iro of the picuickeis making new acquaint-ance or improving old ones, moie goud times generally, and the bell! The Major and the dot a in took a spring-sea- t between tliem.llie guard and another gentleman took another, and the Imam laiies .vere relieved fom the need of occupy. m tlie aforesaid big or poles during the alieiuoon session, for which they wete thanklul. The Imam party took a fair sha'e in the d scussion and won opinions favorable and other-wise fiom theii During supper the Loid High Pres-ident ol the convention came around, tablets in hand, asking for voluuteeis to join the impromptu concert for the evening; and explained that it would take place in a pleisant hall in Winter (Juaiteis by inviialion. Yours Truly volunteered to let Major Alpenstock sing, but the ungrateful wietch declined to avail himsell of the permission; and a compromise was ellected on a recitation by the Guard. Supper was huiried over to make preparations. Youis Tiuly, in view of walking a mile, thought best to wear her older and easier shoes; and came out 1 the diessingroom lojask Miss Anlionette for her button hook, having lost her own the first or sacond day. "I lent you my button hook this morning, you said the young lady appre-hensively. Her appiehensions were not groundless, (or search failed to pro duce it. Desperate cases requite des-perate remedies; and she apoe.iled to the Captain to lend her his, admitting that she had lost both her own and Miss Antionetle's. "Sony I can't oblige vou, but unfortun-ately I lelt mine at home. I always use tlie Major's." She looked at the Maj-or, but before she had lime to speak, he put up both hands, and protested that since by her own confession she hurl lucl vfrv mi, tn r:imti tint Iik il An Overland Sail. (cONTIXfhl),) CHAI'TEK It. The Five Days lluliJav Wiilleu fur the .ktijlsir.R. "Who wants coffee?" was among the first inquiries before breakfast on the morning of the ;t i., a; Yours Truly stood regarding tlie spot wlieie a file was k nd-- ' led. Capta n L. Mer was measuring oats' into the leather nosesacks to caity to his horses, the Major was folding his bedclothes. Miss. Antoinette was nist bathing hei fair face, and Gauuileroy had not Vet opened his eyes. "Not!," sid tlie Maj .r; "Not I," said; the Captain "Not I." said Miss. Autoiii ette; "vYell, then. I'll not make any"; said Yours Tiuly. ' Woo wants tea?," came next from thesrme source. "Not I." said the Maj-or, "Not I," said the Captain; "Not I," said Miss. Anoiuette; "well, then, you shall all have water" said Yotns Truly; "but I beg leave to inquiie if this is your usual habit, or if you are all on your best behavior transiently?" Tins produced an unanimous declaration that tea and colleo uete never inc'uded in the bill of fare; which assertion was followed bv niutuiilcongiatulations, s each maiked tlie others one point higher on the page of personal esteem. "While we ate on the subject of tem-perate habits?" continued Yours Truly "I wish lo state tli.it Miss. Antoinette and 1 have been congratulating ourselves privately, ever .siiue we eft home, be-- i cause neither of you gentlemen brought any tobacco with you. It is a sad oide.il to sit on the l,ick seat in a wagon while somebody smokes on the Irout seal; and we ar-- happy that we have escaped that in'lictiun." "A man must be lacking the first elements of goud m.nitieis, if he would smoke on the front seat with ladies sit-- ; bij; behind, supposing he must smoke;" said L. Mer with a look of disgust, ' l uo many are just so lackn," replied Yours Tiuly; "but it is only a little better if he alight, while the weed is burning, and resumes his place to bieathe out the horiible fumes lor the next hour. It is so much better when the vile thing is miles and veais behind. Miss. Auoinelle, please sta'e our vcidicton these gentle-men in tins matter." "Wethuik ourselves favoied indeed because w have irt smelled tobacco, nor hs.tiu a rude word, 1101 .een a horse jerk-- i cd 1101 i.e.iten.iior witnessed a display of ill tempei ;" Miss. Anoiuette, counting ii lier liiieis uh belwilclinii; utaviiy. "What did you take us f i?" asked both elilleuien ill a bieatli;tud wi ll tile an ol bein half disp!eaed, tile Captain sh uildeieil ins uosesacks, tlie Maim se.uciied around lor li s hat, ai,d both maulK-- oli '.v. in ;ieal dijf-itiy- IcuViuj; Hie ladies in p ssosioii ol cam;1. Noii uni vas done, however, for in hall an hunt or so boiti geiitleineii teiuiii led with unclouded brows and took then places at the.sm.ili but well stocked laule. A box coir, nun,,; the ladies' wealing iappard, was mad-- 10 di duty for a Hok; a while cluih was spread on ii; a few plates, loi med a heap, few knives, iloiksand spoons stood upright 111 a f nit can, a spring seat 011 each side ac-commodated all but Gauntleroy, and he usually d.d his eating while moving about. Tiie Major devotedly said grace, and th-- n came the setvin;j, A lare "grub box" stood by H oiked by several smal-ler ones, from which weie taken as wanted, bread, biscuit, ciackers, cakes, cheese, tisli, oysteis, roast beet, ham, flint, pie, and canned goods of seveial sorts, not all at one meal ol couise, but as wanted. "vV'ho says bam?" "I will lake a slice, if you did not foiget the mustaid," said Major Alpenstock; and M ss. Antoinette passed tne musiatd pot, saying slyly, "You cailed for mustaid less because you wanted it than because you th juglu we had'l any, didn't you Majoi?" "(Juiie right; I thought ol course I bad now thoiigli of something wbicn had been omitted; and 1 shall not give up the point until you tell me ulieie is the chowchow." "Right heie in this glass jai; and now what next?" 'Enough lor the present, if you will just lell me wheie mv folk is;" and the Major was vanquished again by its instant appear ance.- - "Captain, please pass the pie; I wish 10 loim an opinion as to wnet ier "Mad ame la Captain" is well up ill the pie business, if it is only bieaklasi;" said Yours Tiuly. "Certainly;" responded the Captain, offeinig a plate of stianlicd an escalop-e- d pastry; theit is no douol in mv mind that tins p,e w .11 pass ex miinalion, with glowing colwis." The Captain was light; for the rich crimson juice of the pies might w ell be termed i'Aa'ic coins, and the dainty llavor U.-ii-: I criticism. Gauntleroy ate lb lie and talked less tiiis being one ol Ins complaining days; but the outers talked last euou,;ii thai ins silence was well extinguished. When the meal was finished, tne ladies cover-ed all the jais and cans, washed and packed tlie dishes, folded the tablecloth anJ shut the Hampers. The gentlemen each took a valise in baud and retired tosjme mysterious haunt 111 tlie woods, (10m which they presently relumed ariayed in spotless linen, irreproachable broadcloth and cassunere, pjlisi.ed bools and spatkling collar and curl buttons, to stand belore tlie little mir-ror which had been hung against a tree, and biu di their hair to a mceity. The ladies emeiged from their sleep iug and diessmg looms, flesh and crisp, and Gaunlieioy woie Ins besl Sailor Cosiume with languid grace. ' would be a rise 11 is ness to lead li- -r the last lie. The laugh was against her, and the Major enjoyed it so thoroughly that she had to speak twice belote ne heaid bei say, "1 will compromise with you, Major. You may keep your button-hook and button the siloes yourself." The laugh was against the Major now, but talhei than lowtr his colors, and trust the precious implement out ol Ins own bauds, be agieed to ihe compro-mise. Tne lady set her dainty foot 011 a ham-per, and ihe Major bent lo his task, while all the campeis near gave the their attention. The first bullon went into place eas Iv; the second was adjusted with only a light pinch of die foot, but by ihe lime he came to Ihe Ihiid.the Majoi was led in l lie lace wuii stoopiiig.aiid ihe bull. 11 refused to yiel. . "1 think Mtijol, you aie leady for a second coiiipioiins.'," s.ud Yours Truly; and added, as hv- - M.ijor stood u,j and suiteudeied ihe biiUoiiC.o..k, "IVur Mis. j Major Alpenstock! I see plainly liial you are not piopeiW Hauled to wait on bei;" and tne spectalois applauded. Tins did not iireveal the Major fiom claiming ihe buttonhook the moment Ihe task was completed, "for lear cf accidents," he said. When tlie Imam ladies had completed their arrangements, to their suipnse and displeasure hey found that botu the Ma-jor and Captain had disappeared. Gamil-Itro- y and the Gaurd, howevei, were at hand, and these four set oui together, gathering flowers on the way and arriv-ing at the hall in good time. A full house is said to be inspiring to petloiiners; and il this be true, these should have' done well; but the little party whose movements we aie g were not fated to witness the whole penormance. An oveiture by the musical professor, a chorus by everybody who knew it, "the smack in school," "Poor little Joe," "Dundieary's letter," Bird's in Spiing, and one or two more pieces weie ren-dered, when Gauntleioy must lake a chill and be forced to reltie. It was not to be thought ol to lei Inm set nil' to walk a mile alone, and piepare Ins own ginger tea; so Vouis Duly 'ore hcrsell away from the bnllant scene, and uk.ng the poor lellow 's aim, letuined lo camp. On artiv.il, she duSed and cuddled the poor chap until he profossed to feel bet-ter and went 10 bed. All who d,d not attend the concert had alieady retued; and, having no arnicli ui to recline in, Yours Truly so m f und it tedious to Si l m the da.k, and her c men, although she d.d not exoect 10 sleep. Af;ei so ne liouis 01 qu ei, a nave ! voices llouicd 1 ver the pes and the lady knew the picmckeis w.-i- com ng. Saigiug, laughing and even shi.liln.g ci ne 111 gusty waves t tlie lisienei's cal, and soon she recognized the sonor.us vmce of the Major roaung a stream ol a hymn tuue;bul he was quickly di owned by a swelling cliorus of many voices singing "In the morning 111 tne morning, by the bright light when you hear the tium- - pets sounding in the m li ning," Prof-lesso- r Clive was improving; and Youis Trulyjudged lint tne words weie com c because peals ol laughtei liequemlv lose above the c'.ioins. Theie wasa sligul lull when the paifv first leached camp perhaps s.ine weie iiimm.igiiig in lunch baskets;but it prov-ed that the Itnam party was decidedly in the minoiity 111 retiring at once to their sleeping apartments. A great illumunation lrom a huge camplire dispelled daikness from a large circle of landscape, and made a rallying point for the boys and girls. Another concert warcairied out around the hie to hich tne retired ones listened eageily. The jokes llew backward and forward claiming heavy Ir.buie until the Captain and the .Major audibly tiueaiened to rise To be CJtih r.ufd. The bell was rung lor school, and from all diAeieut ramps and gn vts. me procession gatneied, converging toaids ' a rude last year's bowery, peicbtd on the crest of a gtove-cro- ned knoll. I he bowery was paitly furnished with logs and poles for seats, partly covered wan withered last year's boughs of quaking-asp- ; and into tins pi.muive temple gathered the disciples of I'cstulozzi and Kraebel Parkerand M.ie.-cr.fio- tne gray Prefessor and ihe spectacled Principal lo the bashful youth and blushing maid-en whose years would barely sufiice, under, the existing law, tosecuie a cer-tih'- c ite i f efficiency as Teat heis. Here, with the blue and smiling sky overhead, the leaves rustling ai.d whisp-lermgright in sciiool, and the bracing i inountam breeze, laden with the bob ' ; X yutleaof siamast4 VIkbI Troofi Ka. SIS Ln 0 Sll.Vl Cilv; Ul.b. Inly 1Miil)K Nilic 11 hMby S'" alt ,h tolmwirnamBl Mllkr b BoWt ( hi ialentira tn Kla Milt proof in Btpvorl ol hit cliim. mid tlial unit pro.il will be dc belerc the Wobl Jixic. m til nix tnc4hei0oviitr lcrk,f nnrCoury t 'uM. a( Can-ti-c llalc li- - T . on Saturday, Saptamber acb. iaa, tit: S.mu.l Rowlcn H. E. MidJor t at.). N. K.ji ' aad S W S E.K. Scctoa.jlp. if S. ft E. Ha budm tha foliuwins wilimaaa to prova hit n , ttniKWl raahdeaca vfiua, awd culuvalioa uU aaid Uad, Vii; jr Cluiai Johjiaon, An4rer Allea. Pttor tolm- - jr tan. Lorenxt S loaot all vl WantinsluB. t'. 1. 1 VefiKlvr. Notlca oTHomMtead rlnul Proof I Mil Old Land Olio u Sail Laka cily. Utah. July f 5th, ilo. I Notice it haraby given that tha lullowinir-niuu- I aelirer han filea rwtice al hi iotantioo ao nuke rin d ..,"v uroiif ia luppert of hie claim, ad that laid "ituijl wiH he made before the I'niilt iida, or hi kit atii-n- 1 Ihe cmtnlr eter. al caatle Dati.Eoierr county, Ulah. cn Sapleraber ath. Alaa Saanal Oanfe, rl. IL 6176. for the S 'i F. I olSacnoaaS, N. F.. N. t-- Secuan JJ, N. WW N. W K See 34. Tp. 17 S. R 9 E. He aamea tha fnllewia witfleuea W aaaae 111 reaideacc tipon and cultivation of, said land, Vii: lhnrca t, Cfceney. Nathan If. Stevcnj, William A. Gityiaan. mud Xhoataa Kiiby all of Himiirif,lui., t - 4 J X. a I). Hlia. Reiler Kotloa Of Pruo . No. m . ' Land OfSc at Sah Lake City, IMH. Auf. Jth, i8yo- - . Notice ia hereby given that tha following aariei I tettltriaa filed notice of hia ratantiori to make tin- j priKil in wajpport o( hit claim, and that said prout wtt be made before the County Clerk, at Castle Datu Emery county, Utah, on beptembar aoth, tSo, vii. Arch Kinder, D. S. tijoi, lor tht N.Jao N W.1.: Sec. ij- - tprrS. K. I E. He names I ha lolioaruil witneiaea I ptow hit reiidcncc upon and cullivation of, . aaid land. Vir f J J.eawder Lemon. Chrlalian Ottonn, Hlyruni Jonet, . and Geurgo E. Palmer, all of Huntingo,. VtM , f j - v , Nutloe Of Flnl Proof! . No. fl4. f Land Office at Salt Lake City. Uuh.! V'"j1rn'-- . "V Notice ii hereby iva that tne V f'". (ir,ji latltar hat tiled nuice ot hi. ioteirtror) V -- root "it1 proef in tupporf of hit chueanw. a tineU. i bemade betore the Rear Tu.4a-- v. Land Oftce. at S.ll - , E. SeX rilHiueirn' y' A ' , jJ&l v Ct ,,. if.:- - Mi! "-- |