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Show YVliy a Sow Stole Kara of Corn. Like the goose tho pig is a much maligned animal. It Is taken for granted grant-ed that they are both stupid to the core, and in consoquenco no one will maKe pets oi them, ana endeavor to find whether they really have any sense. Perhaps there is a prejudice against swine because they are bo homely; but that is no reason why they should be slandered. For instance here is the story of a good Samaritan pig: A Pennsylvania farmer missed one of his hogs, and for throo days was unable un-able to find him. On the third day, the hired man, while feeding the pigs, saw a sow take' an ear of corn in her mouth, trot across tho lot and disappear dis-appear in the thick underbrush. She returned in about an hour, and the man told his employer of the occurrence, occur-rence, and the sow was closoly watched when the drove was fod again. She ate her dinner, and then took a big ear of corn in her mouth and again started for the underbrush. She was followed quietly to a littl hollow in the wood, where the missing hog was discovered. One of his hind legs was held fast by the stout and springy roots of a hickory tree, between be-tween two closely growing forks of which he had stepped, and which had spread under his weight and then closed on his leg like a vise. The ground about was covered with corn cobs, showing how tho sow, which had evidently been present when the accident had occurred, had cared for the prisoner. But for her he certainly would have perished, as he never could have escaped from the trap he was In. |