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Show NOTICE. ol intention to make application for a permit to cut timber, upon the Punlic Mineral lauds, under act of March jrd 1891. To whom it may concern. Notice is-hereby is-hereby given that immediately afier the publication hereof for three weeks as re quired bv said act, the nndensigned will make application to the Hon. Secretary of the interior at Washington D. C. for a permit to cut limber upon a tract ol Jhe Public Mineral lands of the United States, situated about five miles north est o!. Fairview .Sanpete County Utah Territory and 111 Tp. 13 S. 5 E. of Salt Lake Meridian. Described as follows 10 wit. r'lninieiicing at a certain bridge 111 Oak Creek Cannon w Inch is located just above what is known as the narrows, about-one and one half miles from the -mouth of said aannon up tha creek; thence up said Oak Creek abont one mile to the point Large Junction, thence up stid Junction (or right hand fork) about 300 yards to a rock monunment, thence north one quarter tf a mile to rock mounment, thence east one quarter of a mile to a third rock monument thence south one hall of a n ile to fourth reck monument thence west along the top ol the rise aboutoneaud one qnaiter of a mile to rock monumeut, thence north to place of beginning, coiitaiuing about 300 toe more or less. 1 1 C. O Peterson, "j Ol.E Nielson, ;Pl0adress FaiiAiew Sanpete Co.. Dated t Fairview May 29th, iSot. |