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Show J i .sj!p ot Kerl &ftu!r find I'eraunal Property. Not'f! liei.'t;y givffn.rbat in purivUdiicr of an aatler o'ic I'loljatHJ.iuil in and (or the County of San Fete, Tcristorvof Urah, miide on the 14th day of July, 1890, in the matter of the estate of Eliza Bosnell jewkes, deseased. the undersigned, the admiimtrator of th estate of Klua Bosnell Jewke. deceased, will iell at public auction, to the hijihet bidder, for cash and subject to confirmation ty aid Probate Court, on Thursday, the 14th day of August, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. m.. ai the late residence of the said Eliza Bosnell jewlies, deceased. Fun n tain Green, ia the County of San Fete, ail the right, title, interest and estate of the said Eliza BoBnell Jewkes at the time of her death, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate has, by operation oper-ation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or tn addition to that of the said Eliza Bosnell Jewkes, at the time of her death, in and to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land aittiate, lying, and being in the said County of Sun Pete, Territory of Utah, and bounded and described asfollows, to wit: Beginning at a point 9 31 chains, K. thence 10.70 chains, S. thence, vt of a chain, E. thence N. 31.30 chains from the N. W. corner of Lot a Sec. 6. Tp, 14 S. K. 3 E Salt Lake Meridian, thence S. 325 chains, thence E. 333 chains, theuce north ja8 chains, thence west to place of beginning 333 chains, containing 1.08 acre more or lest; also 9 shares of stock ia Fountain Green Co-operative Mercantile Institution. Terms and comUtkms of sale: caih. ten per cent of purchase money to be paid to auctioneer on the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale bjr said Probate Court. X)eed at expense of purchaser, j. C. CHRISTlANSBn, Administrator of the eiUie rtf Eliza Bosnell Jew. kes, Deceased. Dated, July 15th, 1800, W. T. Keid, Att'y. |