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Show candidate!. And the people's and liberal liber-al party, we venture to predict, wil vote $ol;d together lor the retaining ol tbe present County Seat. Heleua Madsen , GUNN1S0N POLITICS The Peoples Party held a "rally" here last night, (August 1st) including mem bers of the patty, from Mavneld, Fayette Fay-ette & Dover. Delegation from the People's Parly of Mami, and visitors from the I.ibetal Party of Manti, weie also in attendance. From 600 to tooo people, rallied by the call of the committee of the Peoples Party, Hon James Metcalf, Nerlse Larson Lar-son and Aus.in Kearns, assisted by m inv lev-iing citizens. The people commenced to assemble in and about the R. S. Hall grounds, sometime before dits'.:; tiie spacious noith p.irch, profusely and artfully decorated dec-orated W ith banneis, Slats and Stupes and illuminated with numerous Japanees lanitriis, was skilfully tianformed into a staad for r. .111 in ttees, speakers, baud and choir, visitots ,and leading men ol tiie pattv. And as the hall itself could not have held tne multitude assembled, the committee had conceived the happy idea ul arranging a half circle of many tieis deep ol benches.in front of tbe high-lv high-lv illuminated stand, giving the whole an aspett ol a nicely airanged amphi-ilieane, amphi-ilieane, bnatdered by the trees outside the hall circle; and as there whs a pro- I fusion of young; and old in dieses of nil i Colors, the lad es be'iig not the least numerous, 1,1 ud by fapaneese lamps, it was indeed a sight o! beatitv. It was now dark, and while the assem-hlage assem-hlage were anxiously waiting for some-tlmij some-tlmij they knew not what, a couple of hundred, or more men.of different ages, hid congregated at some distance, and fanned into a ptocession ordered and put in motion by Hon. James Metcalf and .Wise Surensoti, each c.tirying a uuc'ii and fire works. When ting procession emerged into view, the display of totches and the pro lusi. n of fireworks, had a subl me tflect theremetnbiance of which we aie sure will live Ion;; m the hearts of the be-h.Meis. be-h.Meis. : Aliei the msrcl.ing of the procession around the central put of town, the men with the totches siationed them-Selves them-Selves conviently arotinithe stand and iu the centre of the half citcle, adding Sreatly to the alieady surprising effect. From 845 until near midnigut the people were highly elated with the mas c and the sininj and particularly w.Pi the siiriii.(, el qjent, and the itf-IM'et!v itf-IM'et!v ,1:ii aiid d speeches fx m Hon, W.K Ritd, Ir. in M.H.ni. las. Metcalf, P. Aid. 1, o, Cooh -.J B R-per, Heiny ; J 1 s -n. Ph. I, 1, I;,,rU, R. O l'"i;ii--i,' ;i -i C. .V ..l.idst:ii. a.id a-nhei 1 4 i' r,.:, . f in Jj ,n)( nam I ! T t I'll. ' ! i' 1 ha ..cu( .!-t.( s tt'ilie i.i oe'ii! ''"".'. 1 1.. v. t. :i ..lid bv '- ! ., ,r :i m - l l"e 1 ' "'l 1. :i iu 1. i . . . .' ..I mi- Te '-pn:'s i'-'TW, ' w -"e nu-niiiby f iiiitfd by inU'l C tacts. Titeil msvai,iii!,ivail.i!ir tlf,lls u i'1" :,,'c-s-. .1 ,.aii. s, lot the removal a the .iia;ySe.(rs'y' us weie with well denied redicuie. I In the whole it was a grand affair vi Mondiv the Peoples Party i f l 11 sou will votesolid, for thepeop.e s i . i ;k - |