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Show GJNM30N CHURCH SCHOOL EXAMINATION. HelJinlhi Relief 3 iciety Hall, Julv 28,79, and " I"1 commences at 9 "l K. G. Me aser V. L. I. presid.ng. Visitors Visit-ors ptese nt Apostle Lund, president W Segemiller of Sevier Stake, Bishi p Christian A. Madsen cf GuLnisc 11, and members of the local boaid of Education. Educa-tion. Exam nauds; Enoch Jorgetison principal cf Wasatc'i Stake Academ : Glut Lars m principal of Randolph Academy; Mi. Matiiida Holliday, lady superintendent of Sevier Academy; Mis. Augusta Swallierg Lidy Superiiiieiidanl of liear Lake Stake Acaik-iiiy. Toe tit sr two graduated for iiiteiinediategiad-;the two ladies lor Ld.es department & pii-mary pii-mary grade. Applicants for license; Joseph V. Jensen, Jen-sen, Eli A. I Jay and Jesse 11. Giles, Reported I r consultation: Andrew C. Nelson. Dedicatory prayer bv Aposilu Lun ; grueial ii.suuction by ihe chairman E.ist dav- exercisrj in Theology. Theory and practice of leaching. The twj lolloivuii d.iyi wete devoted to examination in Gianuner. Composition. Composi-tion. Geography, 0roiho0'taphy, Elocution, Elocu-tion, United States History, Arithmel c and 11 lokkerping, penmanship. Drawing Draw-ing and music wete attended to .ucident i!!y. Christian TJlestrtip was examined as mus e teacher. A vote of thanks by the d-iotor and exaniiuands, l bishop Mad:eu, tile local board ol education and citizens of Gunnison for the kind hospitality extended to them. We look upon 1 li is. as an event of jjieat inleiest, in as much as it is the iirst of its kind ever held iu Zion. CA.', |