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Show trade saloua Tucs-Jay night, f ! We congratulate Mr. .arid Mrs. D. C. jsrwon on ifie arrival of thi-ir first born. It is a boy anl wc can look for another Democrat, sure, on I the already growing list of Demo-'J crats. As far as we ran learn all are j doini; well under the circumstances. 1 Mr. John Allium a traveling man ! stopped over in Ephraim last night, j an. i having bibe l too much of the hell fired waver was taken out of; town to foot it alone. He will, no j cou'.t, remember the peaceful little visit he paid Ephraim City just after tiie Jih. ef July iSS. If we had done the proper thing, a lock up in the cooler would have been just right. Call again when you can keep sober Allison. County Locals. John Wannamaker i so wealthy he did not know of having 100 shares ! in the Key Stone Pank. About twenty men are busily engaged en-gaged on the Madson Pro's and Co's mill just three miles up the cannon. There was a special meeting called call-ed Tuesday Evening, for the purpose pur-pose of arranging a Republican party. 11. G. Pradford, of the Sentinel, returned home Tuesday Evening, he has been gone for quite a number of days. Mr. Peter Greaves Jr. is making preparations for the teachers in-stitJte in-stitJte to be held at Fuuks Lake next week. All our Registered voters should be-on hand the day of electing one School Trustee as this one will retire re-tire from ofhee- Thortnn & Peterson's saw mill will soon be moved to oMier quar ters as timber is running short where they are now located. Pour more carpenters are now at work on the Depot, in about two weeks Mr Fisher expects to move in to new quarters. (iood. The County Ri'.gisikr wili soon be converted to the Republican party and will then take up tho cause and fight it to a finish. I f. Y. Jenson, the Tinner, is very hard at at work. He is a practical tinner and has the trade of Kphraim and also of the neighboring towns. Summer Shirt? and Summer Goods also straw hats will be sold at cost for a few days at Jos. F. Dorius & co's. to make ready for Fall goods. call. John T. caine's speech was highly appreciated by all and was full of sound truth and political sense. Also truths not to be again said or denied. The Foundation is being laid for the new Barber shop Main Street South of Jos F. Dorius & Co. It willbe a neat little shop and is expected ex-pected finished Aug. isf. Reports reached us yesterday . that a large black bear was killed up at the White Rock Ledge just 8 miles east of Ephraim we have been unable to give a fulacconnt as particulars par-ticulars are not all known. A. M. Jolly of Manti, has about 400 acres of dryland for sale cheap Located just south of Willow Creek, adjoining Ephraim. Fo full particulars par-ticulars call or write to me. Manti, Utah. ' J. M. Shodahl Esq. passed through our city on his way to Manti. We expect to see him be- tore ne returns to saic l.aice uity where he is now laboring for the cause of the Deseiet A'nvs. S. D. Bunce of Manti is selling out his stock of goods at cost to make room for the fall stock. Cal and see, to be convinced Manti Main street, at old stand of Mrs. Brown, near Presbyterian Church. The showing at the Central Hall Tuesda' evening don I say much for theRepublicans of Ephraim. Only a very small number turned out. But Wednesday is the Democratic Rally and then for a grand patriotic meeting. meet-ing. . Mr. Ryland the carpenter, work' ing on the Ephraim depot arrived last night to be a guest of the Ephraim Eph-raim House accompanied bv his lovable young Bride. The Regis-tir Regis-tir wishes them all joy and happiness. happi-ness. The Ephraim Brass Band which, has for some time been the best and is the brst band in the county seems to be dying, what is the nutter Re publicanism or 'stubbornism"? Don't let the Republicans stop so good a thing. There will be a republican rally tonight at the central hall. White-cotton White-cotton and other prominent gentlemen gentle-men from Provo are the speakers, we expect an interesting and instructive meeting, as Republicisin will be shown in its true colors. On the train yesterday were Vf bitecotton of Provo, Ferd Erick-son Erick-son of Mt. Tleasant, and by team Judge Jacob Johnson they will go to Manti to investigate the shooting scraf e that orcured at the board of |