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Show I w ithin raue. The only sensible course j in range. I'lm only sensible course Hut ! a consistei:: hbel.il c.iuld puisne would be to retile lo his tent and leit 0:1 Ins arms; hut the leadeis evitlenlv think that too many of them would under such circumstances, come to a leal. zing sense ol the tact that the wnr is over Tunes. News Items. Cnoxville, Tenn., July 3. Yesterday afternoon George ones and Thomas Newton, two well known farmers fought a duel over a piece of property. Both were killed, Atlanta, Ga.," July 3. George tVash-ingtou tVash-ingtou (colored) who murdered lien Oliver (colored) was hanged in the jail yard of the Foultou county jail in this today. Cheyenne, Wyo, July 3. -.Miss Kate Drexell, known in the church as Motlm Catharine, intends founding a school on the Shoshone reservation to educate the Indians. Ten sis.ers of one ol the orders ord-ers of the Catholic chinch are with lit r and will rema.11 as teachers iu the school Editor 1E(.ISTER.-Dr McLean.of New Yoik, Sectetaty ol the American Bible Societv, writes Rev. G. V. Mariin Corresponding Cor-responding Secretary of San Pete County Bible Society, auxilary, that to our pui-chase pui-chase of fifty dollais worth of Bibles and Testaments the parent Society hasadded a grant of fifty dollars' worth, aud that tha books were shipped some days ago The Repository is in the Sentinel Office, Offi-ce, Manti, where the books may be seen and obtained. G. W. M. The present campaign is one in which reason, not noise must be j;iveu away. It is not going to accomplish anything for the obstruc tionists to split the air With the rattled drums. Calm reason, not partisian enthusiasm, must rule. There is no sense in sounding the bugle tor 3 charge vvbeo there i uo enemy |