Show I 1 A thrifty maine bian atan in oldtown ie is a man who is malting making money fast out of clams though he lie is at present feeding the clams to his hi pigs he keeps a hotel and has bonded a clam clain flat down around mount desert hil his clams clanis arrive each day he keeps them two weeks feeding them on celery meal weal and indian meal they laugh and grow fat then he be boils them a bushel at a time ho ile puts in a quart of water and tabes takes out eight quarts quart s the water ia strained and set aside for a day in a refrigerator friger ator then tt it Is i heated season seasoned etl with ith salt and pepper and sold for five centa cents a glass he ile lias has a big trade A bushel of clams delivered costs ats st ty cents he feeds them forty cents worth he gives a four ounce drink there are thirty two drinks in a gallon slid sixty four drinks are secured from a cushel of clama clams net profit on a bushel of clams and be he sells on some days six ga gallons lons many try to imitate him but no one knows how to feed till th clams as ho he does his pigs grow fast moreover boston transcript |