Show AT THE POLICE COURT one prisoner escapes through broken kara bars henry heath and joseph head read were arrested for or drunkenness yesterday the former vas vas discharged but read rd paid 5 and costs geo george rge rodgers will spend ten tea days in jail all lor for having been full fall talph cooper and charles johnson will lace face yet lonor onor today to day Q 0 11 II barton arrested two days ago for vagrancy was discharged yesterday morning last night about 11 be stole an overcoat and umbrella belonging to joseph friebis representative ol 01 I 1 the schlitz brewing company cut of a car the owner saw him and trailed him to drozdowicz Droz dowitz bros where be he pawned the coat for 5 he ile still bung hung on hla his trail until he met an officer when they ran the fellow down and put him in jail the overcoat was recovered I 1 later E B morgan bussle coopers paramour escaped e from the jail thursday night or early yesterday yeat erday morning on thursday sheriff loveland brought four prisoners of box elder county to the penitentiary and left them thern in the city jail until the aster afternoon noon daring during that time timo they an succeeded in sawing apart tw two 0 iron bars bare of the south window two bars had previously been sawed before they could complete their scheme for escape they were taken out and sent to t 0 salt lake daring the night mor morgan T who ia is a email small fellow sao one ceedee I 1 in squeezing through and getting away nothing was known of the escape until the following morning |