Show THE DALTON NYE CANNON COMPANY tda ss C e td r 4 Y 11 K dw th W y can you read if so read this SCHOOL mm FICTION reference nofo ronco boob dooks church boblis boo s AT ONE HALF THE REGULAR PRICE commercial books blanks letter files pens pencils scratch pads everything in these lines at WHOLESALE COST consolidated implement Imp lenient co 5 ea M s s as 6 buggies carts lap robes W and whips 14 1 4 E J F burton manager ca era for pure drugs and medicines Medi eines go t to WM DRIVER n V sol ual WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL DEALERS hlll special aai attention given to tho the compounding compound ingi ot physicians persI rIll t 1 I S THE CITY DRUG STORE 2453 washington ave b 1 ogden utah T ir is Wasat cli driving park arid fair association schedule Selie dule of I 1 races lates to be fie licud daiy may xay 30 I 10 IO WO iral half mile free for all sycicle race lor for puree purse of I 1 2500 2 2000 00 quarter mile dash running horse race 00 2 2000 0 yard foot race I 1 claes class trotting race class pacing race E entries n t may be made at it any lime time at the race course conditions five to start entrance fee 10 per cent of each or more entries three bre or more purse to be paid at time of entry FOI fo 1 further particulars eee see look out ont for races june julie I 1 11 I 1 it 12 GEEN or k C cl P funeral directors and embalmers the he most modern in the city 2 14 54 f 4 irah was it ave ae telephone lel holle 45 as 5 miles strevell aliner headquarters FOR garden hose tools lamn If mowers fowers GASOLINE STOVES boyle block ogden utah DOYLE BOYLE HALVER carry all ir of ELECTRIC FIXTURES IN PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS OGDEN UTAH 2301 2304 Washing tott avenue ass 0 n H mm sn TO esons Ilig hest price bijil lor for chickens spork pork fourth street ogden utah af buy bu y tha baby a doll W OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF bolls dol toys 0 S Noc ples iron I 1 r ii wagons wag fancy picture books etc for children ii AT alf ruhh MU TOP THE fiill MUSICIANS SEE THIS A organ for A organ for pianos at half price violins guitars mandolins banjos accordions Accord ians harmonicas Harmo nicas etc etc at one half the regular price s which means at less than WHOLESALE COST everything AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST COLD MEDAL fabis rap 1873 W bakera coa S breakfast NO ast cocoa from which tho the excess 0 of oil I 1 lias iss been removed la is absolutely pure and ft it Is soluble no chemicals aro are used in its preparation it has more than three times the strength of cocoa mix mixed edwith with starch Ano arrowroot wroot or sup sugar r and is therefore far moro more economical costing less than one cent a cup cul it is delicious nourishing strengthening EASILY DIGESTED and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persona persons in health sold by crucera W BA BAKER KER CO dorchester mass W J CO P u ebors bers gas AND STEAM FITTERS fourtly st in utah national bank building bull din corner ot of twenty fourth street and ana washington avenue respect lly solicited Boli cited ri n A pi tho pomplo S to run first store e cist eat of postoffice Post office kc on 2401 street childrens Childr ellys handkerchiefs 3 for 5 cis 2 for 5 acts and 5 acts each 7 ladies ilan handkerchiefs ft nem ilem stitched faucy border 0 5 els cis each 7 12 1 2 cis each 10 cis each 12 12 1 2 acts each 15 acts each 20 cis each special bargain 25 26 cis each japanese silk handkerchiefs as JUST RECEIVED AN LINE black with embroidered border each white with fancy em border each anite with fancy colored border each 4 very serviceable servi cable silk kerchiefs Hd each Valan cines lace from I 1 cent per yd up babies bibs at 5 cents each lace bibs at 25 cents each A full line of gents furnishings furnishing AT THE TIIE LOWEST VEST 1111 PRICES CES IN 1 THE TIIE CITY the cheapest store ill in ardell call all and bo be convinced coin incel i m A THE PEOPLES STORE laii ro fourtly kurtli street first store 1 of |