Show loaded with statistics chicago tribune i now therea theres a young north side fellow 11 ilow who used to be a general favorite buthe buthe took to statistics and haa lialo been a nuisance ever since A sunday evening not long ago found six or eight young people at a dearborn avenue residence they play carda cards they feel like singing so they forgot to light the gaa gas eat oat around the grata grate lire fire and talked A young man who had just returned from a trip around the world told among other things of a clever thief who rained gained entrance to the treasure chamber of an indian rajah ralah the thief eaid said the traveler then turned hia his attention to an immense cheat chest full fall to the brim with silver coins ha ile filled a sack until be could just stagger under jt and even then be lie bad had to make five trips before the chest was empty there was just 1 I 1 and the weight ot of tt la in silver coin broke in a voice from the desk ila 18 pounds avoirdupois 11 A young railroad engineer recounted the marvels of the new railroad up pikes peak this wonderful piece of engineering 11 he said ead ie is the highest railroad anil in the he united states aitio it is 11 the highest railroad in this country said the voice ie is the denver and south park a branch of the union pacific at alpine tunnel 11 ili bog feet above tho tile sea level the conversation turned to the celebration of birthday anniversaries what a pretty custom cu I 1 tora it is said a pretty prett Y girl and I 1 it t is so old too I 1 was reading the other day that it dates back to the times of the early 11 saxons axons I 1 think in the tile fortieth chapter of genesis twentieth verse said the voice you will find the following and it came 0 to o pass the third aty diy which was oha birthday that bo he inada made a least to all his big servants 11 A young man who is makin making ganade a name tor for himself in the electrical world discoursed on his favorite theme 1 I have been experimenting on the incandescent lamp he said and have succeeded in making one that burned hours and sad the longest time on record broke roko b in the voice ia is hours wat and 13 11 minutes 11 I 1 therum then they ey talked of novels 1 I dont think its fair said the hostess a pronounced blonde that all the authors should make their heroines brunettes nowadays it il last year interrupted the voice out of heroine were blon blondes des then they talked of going home and went I 1 11 ll I 1 A I 1 I 1 I 1 wi |