Show nw BRIE A itze large tion ot of the bocim boi iM seel section ion of at e N X Y yaa as dw troyed by fire caro ceope me a th brought rought mexico give il 1 cae I but bt toe got eminent li the principal landholder A Wies baden says ay richard Ill chanI croker ie to better and li ba dispensed ulah ith hie his doctor addic have taft beert n here receive received T from senegal to the effect that the Bene Sena galex king bu has botn murdered br by his ta in the matter of the Nation jil city bank batik defalcation 1 le froula tila I 1 tons are now aid itald to reach over LOO ix rev ed fda ard SI mcglynn cOlynn ot new york ex C catholic I 1 holle priest left chicago for ban san frencl clu rn dab Zt erlay morning to lorm forni aingie tax mr jule Fer ferry has published a book dealing with th tonquin in 1 which ha heite eks too vin 1 dacate the he policy aNu acquiring iring so 0 o valuable ii colony frank P slavin the antler australian a litell 1 1 I lian challenged corix tt to tox hi lu london lm lor 1 r to waichau chau the he pelican 1 club will 1000 at Bu buffalo fralo illch mich on similar thou thos netter died bucl 11 lie e worth aur in on mode to in pt pine tie lawlin lie eted rai a I 1 ixer lumber chopper A philadelphia rhile delphia sty richard matix has beau for congre bv b the Deino crat to all fill the vacancy vile anc v cauca b by the death ot of randall mexican mexicans la in ban san lule luis potosi ll exico claira that a conspiracy exists among amer american 1 can railroad men ruen lo 10 keep from working lor king ou on the rall rodo A san antonio Alt to dim dispatch patch as Y lieu L edwin d will U B week wee AT U 8 A colu milto 1 1 u night despondency Depond ncy I 1 s the th alleged beg ed caff c a u alay fr A 0 O ot ill 10 all pox I 1 reported at D ti ville new york it la Is thoa liht tho small pox will spread and ud become elt and the popl are willil with fear ear and excitement charlo ex president and a bec of the board of arde ch chicago tea 1 WT who lug ly ou april va B it I 1 iii left nied 16 1 now ale it a lu in llo frecon the tits findings lu in he the case of 0 command r mccalla sicre ere placed in lit the beadet of the secretary ot of the hav navy yesterday morning aad it Is I 1 expected action hlll be ant announced iounA today to day rev joa jo king died sunday night at al let cla aitt aa if he was a sell schoolmate winie of ais 1 in 1 ua S iv lie tas elected president of hiram college in aw but declined boac to nc cepi cep gre george arencia train ailed frown roin ondon rr tor for new york ou on the eturia on su sunday he lie opre asea mitilde tice la in hi his awill ability ift to comp complex 16 the trip to tocoma to in lly or one day several violent storms in the tile fonn form of tor nad madoe occurred in tit din erent pane part of north within the pant few days and a large amount of property and slid several 1 persons were liere ill killed two to ah ali chung and ana A ah 1 foy in C ciu iu count CalKo rula were found deed with their boblee les cut to ui piece p it la 1 thought lit the deed a a done dont by A an 1 bonit clellow w workman 0 t kwan general jullue julius W h bite i le ex illar Ill Wr of 0 Ar Arx enOne genthie republic d died W d t south en near chicago Cli leago on dry morning of dropsy general while whits tendered reu Jered co czi oue ae r v I 1 a I 1 lu u the I 1 he union army during the 1 late w war a r one engineer tao tu firemen bremen and tro br brake ake men alerie eru killed killim liy ft collision coll llon of two freight aling train on oil the kant mut lenvee Ten vee Vi virginia rettia and 0 georgia railroad at the tumid four tout mile rom chattanooga h yesterday three thousand employee employees of the national tub tube work company compan y kt at McKe ic Ket epo sport ile ien a By a atrue k yesterday tor for ten per celt advance ale in ng oges all au glo cloned clowd down lown except tho the pud ilUng anil anti rolling stock at oil oft city ia pa the most cyclone ever ka known v tile there r trual that abt 11 iain saturday da y night t I 1 louseia llou lou eee seii barn barna bridge c oil batur I 1 well ell rig r gli and a d gae g s line I 1 I 1 ties are in irk ru reloj us A of the executive exer uUro committee of f the republican MH national bel hall d eunida at washington arm aal was wa ported indefinitely ipa 1 to the be aba fa airet rt I 1 beneral general clarkson Clar kion A constantino adjei aleta pasha minitte all and nd the ilia governor vernor of uen ere removed 0 ing to to tet by dennany mr w lynd and E d their conduct in be bey and other her case at Wi duld liets point t L ia a fre at the tot saturday l night destroyed ron loon hoim boose pro property lorty at about Vii uW it include abuin 0 01 it lajti all bre tra y at tam an much uch pontoon tat judge go bearce M X state jl brict judge died frat francl isoo aeo yete 1 culps lie throughout ut t k being it aliina ali int a adjutant gentrel ventral ot the tb am admy aadil t W it alter leethe tb vossburg t cam s 1 f ledga dge a a cite catti ue Us removed to tada ildi atler after ue the war I 1 I 1 I 1 1 esaa ss 7 aa a it t 7 |