Show SALT SILT LIRE LAKE ITEMS II 11 IT IV sentenced other notes ifland io and around the capital 0 two warja wards in salt bait lake stake were r organized reorganized re e on sunday in the fifteenth ward of the city eliae elias at r ris w wae as made bishop and joseph II 11 morgan and rodney 0 badger ai as hie his counselors in the draper w ward ard wm 0 alien ailen was ordained bishop and I 1 leber A A smith and lauritz 11 8 I 1 n ith counselors the members of 0 the california C opera company which played said basha in tine title vity and which disbanded the salaries of the employees were not paid are to have a benefit in the opera alouse on Thure dav evening a of the com pany wh who ci are in the city 19 in number aided by local talent will render a very good pro gramme henry W naisbitt was sentenced in the t third A district court yesterday on a charge of unlawful lasful cohabitation to which he had pleaded guilty he ile was ft as ordered to be imprisoned io in the penitentiary for six aix months and to pa pay the costs of 0 the prosecution the contract for sprinkling the streets et silt salt lake for the coming baa has been let to an omaha firm for 2000 per month or abaft for the season A gentile to do it for while hile a mormon firm made an offer to do it for now the cry of salt lake work in for r salt lake like workmen is causing a feeling of nausea among those who shouted during the late campa campaign lan tor for george M scott A soldier nam nani d E V Y young was arrested yesterday on a charge of fornication the gill girl louise lauise waa was aleo also arrested she is only 14 years eara of age and has borne 0 a good reputation both pleaded guilty young waa was requested to give bail ball and the girl was rela released ased on her own recognizance e the parents parente of the girl are greatly over the discovery of what has been going on john D dily ily for st stealing paling a ta 7 pair of pants from walker brothers store livas yesterday sentenced to too days day s f in jail three of the five members of the boire idaho city council are in town looking up the mitter matter of street railway franchises ai several companies are bidding for street railways lit ITT the ca capitol pilot of idaho james mccarty cCarty SI john watson and win WW flynn will await the action of the grad gra d jury on a charge of grand larceny which has been preferred against them they are accused reel ased ot stealing eight pairs of 0 pants valued at 50 95 from the peopled Peo plea equitable coop co op W 11 II ia is to be arraigned in curt today to day on a charge of abd ablution ution today to day begins the trial of cases on the criminal calendar in the third district court thomae thomas mclellan an old resident ot of utah died at hie his home in farmers farmere ward salt lake count yeter day afternoon he ile was bishop of the seventh ward mard bill salt lake for a number of yeara years wm E F mabey a young ayoung man residing at bountiful davie davis county ja Is a precarious ons con condition the re suit of on n accident I 1 which he met with on the ath dinst he was coming down bountiful canyon on a lod load of logs the rear end of which dragged on the ground he lie was thrown from the load and aud 1 caught under be the dreg drag receiving injuries about the head he lie was taken to the nearest house bouse and is not at yet strong enough to be removed to bis is home |