Show 1 I 1 SALT LAKE NEWS I 1 III tile soprenio Sup renio court A variety of notes from the capitol of general interest to all readers T iq evening made its fiat it p a rance as a daily this cooning it col quarto containing a fair q ta of ads but without much I 1 I 1 NO lid with no telegraph matter tito editorials are chort phort and intended to be crip cri p a qualley that will probably III with more force in future nuni aar era yesterday we mentioned a narrow escape from a serious accident by coas ling boys tito practice of coast in lur 0 n tile streets is a favorite pasti e aith capital boys today to day a youth came down a till jus east of tho city hall and came in contact with a team drawing a load of hay T h 0 il a d was thrown atnita tile leg S 0 f to horses and it was by pure luck that I 1 managed to come out from under ila wagon unhurt alis salvation army continue their nightly parades notwithstanding the cold and the hold out with fortitude I 1 A limp year party will be held in theater oil january that w ill be the most elegant a mell as the grandest ever held in this city mrs B bardsley card sley the carml 11 ile of am 11 beardt ley esq of t n r ai mer house green iziver for of your city is visiting in merila salt ko city frank rowein esq has just re from cleasant Ilea sant valley with two of file golding bots they report aho cc id very severe in that I 1 section tile thermometer havin g 0 on at 41 zero for a weela 8 0 in 0 of tile party including mr pon e 1 I 1 bad their aln gers badly frosted I 1 tito deseret neus gives ahr following account of the proceedings in the court today to day the territorial supreme coliat adjourned to meet at 10 a in today to day lid not commence its session till 1030 judge zano and boreman nero on hand and after waiting ila an hour or judge lion derson concluded to proceed the ciso of thompson vs set for hearing on january 12 was postponed to the tito caw of geo munford vs dickert meyers sulphur co set for tile lath was man and Sut heiland and win creer presented an application for a writ of prohibition forbid diu commissioner john E hills to C hear and determine a civil case brou lit before him the suit is brought by the west field irrigation company dinst aam izolt of spar ih fork tall C 0 anty for the point raised iti esuo as stated by thurman was that tit commissioner had no jurisdiction uris diction in tile mat ter al provided that an action of tl ais kind should be commenced in tile precinct where the defendant resided and no justice out 4 1 aft C 1 0 ther commence mon of the sult tito edmunds law gave to U S jurisdiction concurrent with justices and as mr hills rented and had his office outside of tile precinct where the defendant resided ito could riot assunte this extended jurisdiction if a cammi adoner could take up a case in this would far exceed the power of a jum tied of the peace when only equal power was conferred tito matter was liken under advisement by the court tire court then took a decoss for half an hour to wait for judge I 1 lenderson on resuming another halt hour was spent in waiting and no tiding s having been received of the absent judge who was expected from ogden the court tool recess til I 1 this afternoon tito application odthe attorneys for the defense to have the supersedeas bond fixed in the suit of tire united states vs tile church of jesus chrisa of bat ter day dainis on appeal to the united states court was to berred owing to tile failure of judge henderson to appear 1 tile foregoing account is correct up to the time it was takegi your correspondent leabra that at the afternoon session tile church cases cam e U p and ere argued by mr s aliey nill be continued tomorrow to morrow when the district attorney will present his side af pf tire question the motions for the admission of of your city and others were beard and tomorrow to morrow vill probably decide their fa to |