Show irow is tills dentist everybody wrong sido up but dr A V at burtan iferlick A AV hitos building fourth street cherb aking ilia best of teeth cheaper t anybody in d VAIL WEIGH edghr r s P UR U R 0 MM n A pria et filp TV 0 9 au n ag rail 0 anoe th 11 a t t h v e I 1 mb th so re a t its the aest and most dr vr amt e uly 1 0 W r contal amu n asier alum boici only in ank I itier CO NEW boux youx CHICA 00 dauma DYSPEPSIA is that when we bude d 1 y p D R g 0 1 bacco no t a t 0 i n n ch tb h from aich T nj tissue must be nourish mi and any ubi h on brough ohe bor 1 among dozen p no two will have U 0 yd pt sama re 17 dypry etca tal nd a 0 4 ent r ek ileata M 1371 have nery I 1 forgetful others have great irritability or W to syer form dyspepsia rasy take 0 certain tat cause 18 in the and one ax 11 ll y certain no one wili remain I 1 I 1 p U e wh will it W ill correct acidity of the stomach foul alley irritations assist dig on and at tile aade time start the liver 0 dvork ing when all other troubles mar eife was a confirmed tic poe ago by the 9 0 r steiner of lears s he was indu eed to arv 6 imm 0 us v equator s 9 1 ve le all who read this r il feted in any ata ht h 1 r ol horl ue SI m u j j ra j wu j t r d I 1 foel con aident health will de restored to all who will 19 fort gaii j co physicians III PUB L 0 an b ro to gl y c m m ds ant as t att m f 11 dl f th 0 1 EST LUNGS beware of imitations I 1 Seeth atthe 1 I 1 on every bo tle tax anteos or mone refunded by WAL M mal 1 1 kp 4 1 10 make to by dispelling the symptoms so often mistaken for consumption banta abis has brought gladness to many a household and by promptly breaking up the cough and cold that too of develops into that fatal disease ifil yet save thousands from an untimely you make no mistake by keeping a battlo of this remedy midways iii the house lw taw 0 A T R C T the boniv guaranteed cure pin CATA IN TI I 1 irh vai aliat liat foler I 1 ZOB 0 oldo ta lear fesq and ore 7 ito x the of t B M moar bad mn domant arenth beiting reiting reI tIng fro arom r ay bud vil abt fol 10 dj and a we ed marl ta CA COMPANY borov Or ov cb at mo n jbv trea tnt for t nt 1 0 eb m daiv e r h ilai ll 11 feud f or circular RH nam balm P ly 9 A aa Olea the R nasal pas giges ailys rain ina W FEVER inflammation celb the sons V restores tahe of taste ua smell USA I 1 TRY THE CM R A d into each aud I 1 I 1 1 50 0 u 94 at d rux flats b y M all registered eta ELY B los G ree wi gh st AGO w yra nor 1 d alt be larget a in V mp 0 VA ANNUAL for 1083 L 4 it 1 y p cade n F I 1 el d clowel b K am EED S iu collars cuffs all Is retailers sold b d trade co 1143 ath ave chicago 1216 ittai 7 G L COREY SONS 11 D I 1 staple and bailey FRUITS CANDIES NUTS and vegetables finnan caddies M E 7 mj D JD IF N D EVERY OTHER JAY CANDIES 1 CANDIES H A I 1 M confectioner or amt ST salt lau city the most M to candy house aco ohp e leffert lef fest OF OGDEN AND T acidity Acin ity ivill alrid it to their advantage 0 order ar CANDIES 1 14 band DEST I 1 they are ea lod bl all reliable johng houses I 1 ogden k or them and take no oth 0 ak ailt and oyster parlor RAW SMET MUM ANO full board by th tek at all B F billingslea ours jr J S 11 BIG REDUCTION AT S HOUTZ 0 L S 0 DE ALvoRS IN mammas ana j ELGIN and W smet OGDEN hutaff A 0 EXE lubber and batail in books stationery stationery stationers STATION ERS SUPPLIES GENERAL NEWS DEALER taken tor any publication and prompt delivery of the game guaranteed I 1 an line of N and goods teather goob b ams etc etc give abe most and alst GOODS ifor the lewt money of any ouno in utah special attention give by mail main street comer Ir 11 0 box im ESTEY 9 CAMP pianos aad orga ns thereat Plano and or gan emporium for he W t ester pianos estey org ao ac r prices easy T 0 a boud f ar 11 amory khlly Yh lly like nelam i 2 adl 1 1110 11 it i NO I 1 M fan A I 1 cl la raw zu va ta 01 OFFERED WANTED two good 0 men to anva s for ta 0 at n factual hg ipa en 6 paid to t inquire at aw of 0 o c I 1 fourth and alein dja lw Ghouse IRL WANTED to d work in a small apply at this aim 0 dja it professional CHARLES C HI CHARos at 1 a vv AT t ATTORNEYS AT OGDEN PERCIVAL J cAnn aror attorney at late broom HOTEL BLOCK MAIN ST ogden mob NO CANY arx dm CHAS S 00 GENT no ATT Or U S iaze office building UTI I 1 ir OBTAINS PATENTS volt ana la 3 send stam for wilkes settlers guide cores ond ances promptly anan ered ALFRED H NELSON ATTO AT LAN AND notary pub jac offa U P stairs in freeman building NO ast cre ath and recta ogden utah attention riven to awes involve I 1 the title to real estate X 1 have a complete not of ABSTRACTS OF TITLE to all lands in weber conaty and am P to furnish abstracts 0 6 bor a don remon n ble terms IMIL C F AND SURGE ON guthrie building OGDEN utah PIONEER OF tile old It ellaMe STANDARD ON mid artret 1067 the follo wing time aird wt 11 ko ogden as C 1 and lo 10 pail 1 accommodation 61 11 1 4 lu atlant le and loal 1 in 11 N and bacille arm A 12 midnight arrivo in salt lako city park and U N and CM loe al 1110 a m train p ill x ro ss p m u N and ex 1 m A P u in mave salt bako city Al lautic m park city utah northern and local express p in atlantic and local 1 p ress 1 M pg c apless 1020 1 in arrive in ogden atlantic express a m park city U N and local 53 30 1 in atlantic und local express P in pacific express 1140 1 m TRAINO passengers are carried on all g lat trains to and from oad on and 1 lake and all intermediate points lv ogden A r au laa no 9 a in a in no 11 p in p in 14 sall lake no 12 a M 1140 a m 10 p M p m franecs COPE gen iret fust jaxk SOL abs aull bupt supt JOHN gaull rj F W ilven TIO cuss el T r 1 hundred S d day alq ry r V V j ar lb IMa 11 11 C I 1 11 hkam LV IMPORTANT NOTICE the importer Imp Holit tein bull arden tobe agton away its et ce or tile ii desire 0 tile ea t z 4 or agdell billat illat file tined litell rent itin anil mireed litkie tt mo stile led iz tt i 01 so lit 5 estell site bolder to reflect ct i lee tit A wa jim so litke lit ke 4 sire tf the bull shall be drawn for by owners of said tickets to take tile bull free of all other charged provided lie abail hold him flot ISs six ill ogden city and redeem tickets by herdlee her flee by this irr it call that llop aall 1 away fir noth ilig as apell holder will for ilia betm k i or and at a very low price file bedig ree of sal bull ROLLIN P PEDIGREE the holstein faull jerden no if 11 A ofa call d re 1881 bri d by G cju it cz zy pe friesland imported april ath 1886 sire arthold F H 11 N 0 1 71 dalli de vries still in 1 land recorded lit vol 9 if BA 1 A and numbered teed VV 0 G W ti i M g a 6 9 general M ev chan d ise I 1 E D T 10 IN G aay L we wish not to run anybody alses coal down we only wish to say the proof of the bading is 1 i anthe eating however wd will say that our it M OCK ML 1914 GS PEACOCK COAL Is of the best quality any one acquainted with the old reliable blair mine will need argument vat if aidy one dolbt let him try and be convinced our M D for office and heating purposes is unexcelled the proof is that we cannot supply the market we turn away hundreds f teams every week but from now on we expect to supply the demand nevertheless it will be well to give on your or d ers three or four days ahead and be sure of getting it we are also selling the PLEASANT VALLEY coal at as low a price as any in the market in giving your orders be sure and send them to LORENZO FARR CO yand between fifth and sixth on wall street w I 1 cre c re v cuare guaranteed 2000 pounds to the ton and fair treatment in giving orders be sure to tell the jobbers to get it from FAR R HARRIS the jobbers are and will get it where you order M me C rock springs coal at yard weber at yard pleasant valley at yard I 1 I 1 F efty bonts for delivery del ivory all poal delepho no FARR agents goala NOT ICE on the of jannary our new rates L on coal take differt and a few words on the differ oi A kinds may not be alciss a ab A b M ii ill G it may not be known that the deeper the workings on the beds or veins of coal the better the coal becomes under excle sion from air the coal becomes harder heavier and carries a much larger per cent of carbon making it a much better quality than coal taken from near the surface such being the case the rack springs coal we are now hecei v ing should most certainly be the very best the mines avill produce as it is taken from the dee dest workings on the rock springs beds of coal and as it is now to be sold at a much lower rate than ever bedor e it must surely be an economical fuel PLEASANT VALLEY to the consumers of pleasant valley coal I 1 some little time since promised that if they would favor ais with cheif orders they would receive as good a quality as the pleasant valley mine s id produce that we have done so I 1 feel assured from the very liberal patronage given us and I 1 do ask for your continued patronage with the assurance that the deeper they get on this coal the better it will be and will certainly giva yun satisfaction under the new rates it will also be reduced in price 1 1 GRASS CREEK I 1 I 1 know many arwill be pleased to hear that from the of january e will again place in market our celebrated grass creek coal and of better quality I 1 I 1 than ever before as they have very best ey odily da so there will be no disappointment to those ordering this coal but remember to be sure and send your order for gras s coal as there is a very ference between it and weber coal RED canyo M OUR OLD RELIABLE MOM 9 used and the cheapest coal in the market and the only complaint ever brought against it was that there was took much slate in it but that fault has been so nea aly remedied that it is nearly if not qu ite as free from slate as any coal we handle it is the hardest most lasting and most economical fuel in the market and that it is giving satisfaction I 1 judge from the fact that we can scarcely supply the demand and promise ahey will use every effort to continue to hold this as the leading fuel in the market and now with all these different a rie ties with cheaber rates than ev e abe fore and prompt d el ivery ff we cannot arve you satisfaction 1 greatly disappointed r d rock sp rin 9 sat yard per ton delivered pleasant valley at yard per ton delivered 6 db grass creek at yard pei 66 delivered bh awo red cagon at yard pe ton 46 delivered 5 00 6 HAL ri A TV S I 1 red canyon grass creek rock S oringe and pleasant valley 10 carload car load rates on lum slack on application the job wagon boys are reliable and 14 if you will favor them with your oiada thep will be sure to deliver promptly baut do not forget bite thing 33 giving your orders f or coal to tell them to be sur e abild get it atthe U foot of fifth street THOS CAHOON agent MH SUCKER FACTORY FINE IND BISCUITS F talt bakr crry 03 SM of ill ill 1 1 xam 17 |