Show IN PRAISE or great value as food for all sorts arla conditions of men londo standard eggs area meal in themselves them selver every clement necessary to thorup port of mail is contained within tle limits af an egg she in tile best proportions and in the most palata ble form plain boiled they are wholesome the masters of french cookery however albiria that it is easy to dress them in more than five hu ad red ways each met hod not Y but salutary in the highest degree no honest appe the ever yet rejected an egg in some guise it Is nutriment in the most portable form and in the most con mankind rarely touch any other animal food eat them plain as readily as do the humble trades men after the victory of muhl dorf when the kaiser ludwig eat at a weal with his burggraff and great captain be determined on a piece of lotary lone egg to every man and two td the excellently valiant far more than fish for it is wate ry diet eggs are the scholars fare they contain phosphorus which is brain food and sulphur which performs a variety of functions in the acono my and they are the best autri anent for childred for in a com pact form they contain everything abat is necessary for the growth of the youthful frame eggs are how ever I 1 ot only food they are medicine also the white it the most efficacious of re medie for burns and the oil extracted from a regarded by the as an almost miraculous dalre for cuts bruises and ec AIR 1 I el if swallowed in time will e 1 alf L detach a fishbone fish boue fastened in t h 7 threat and the whites of two birge will render the deadly corro sive sublimate as harmless 3 as a dose oi calomel they the consumptive invigorate the feeble and render the most susceptible fill but proof in its more malignant phase they call also be drunk in the shape of that egg fill which sustains the ora efforts of modern the of eggs do not even end here in france alone the wine clarifiers clari fiers use more than eighty ruil lions a year and the alsatian cone some fully thirty eight millious milli in calico printing and for dressing drek sing the leather used in making the figest of french kid gloves finally not to mention various other employments for eggs in the arts they may ot course almost without trouble on he farmers part be into fowls which ia y shape are prof gimbl to he seller and welcome to the buyer even egg chelle are le for and bodeo path alike agree in regarding them as the purest of carbonate of lime |