Show SALT LAKE NEWS I 1 west happenings in the itaki 1 to tax 01 SALT laim jan 26 an individual named walter was arrested here today to day by the on a charge of being drunk it is alleged against him that lie also U r a tent and other articles aroi n goo rge hamilton I 1 I 1 the milkmaids drill at the opera house was a great success tile charming little actress nellie boyd and tier trompe held forth at the theatre tonight to night there was present a large and well ail diance which Is all that need be said maggie cope hag gone to the city adl glicr usual landi ng for dru aken nesa I 1 1 alley hansen was taxed 56 fine and costs in the police court today to day I 1 re was with assault charles vilio waa arrest d on a charge of ill using 1 I stepmother at inardi as fined 75 and costs 11 w ill languish for that number of days charles nielsen has been convicted of selling liquor on sunday bul 1 has not as yet been sentenced I 1 dea erf news 25 morning the police ran in ill ree individuals for trial in justice court one of these was may hart charged with being a keeper of a bouw houw of ill fame and with using profane and language the others are M T deveroux abid maty alart charged with resorting to a bouso of ill lime deveroux is arnn grand junction colorado the woman last named is also booked for teeing drunk profane and obscene after file vas lodged in J til ed out to the entire artruc ture and commenced by smashing tile windows and such furniture al was available ito ling like a demon in the she kept the jill in a turmoil during the most of the night |