Show of flani estate 1 I II HEEny GIVEN THAT IN NOTICE or an order of the aro r jurt of the county of aber in the territory of utne made on tho day of iasa tit the matter of the estate of juba ifor pool deceased deceL sed t be ed the executor of tim gamt will aad tota to ta merit of ad deceased will sell at public auction to the bidder for cash legal of the un states and subject to confirmation said dij court oil the 2 tit of andary IW tt in in frolia of he county court housti fit ogden city county of weber and of atah till the right to OIL be 61 d john at the of his death ad sit ilia r ill title and lu ilia tile said w by operation of law or other wic other aban r la addition to th of the said john 11 spool d ceased at t ile time of hia death ili and to all that or streel of laud ty n n ad being fit the c 11 r d i rr 1 0 utahan 1 1 boutiler auddy ascribed scribed s 1 aota to it and 94 eighteen 18 and 85 batna stat front ilia Fout bet corner of the bouthet sou thet r of eighteens in township six aj north of ran e one 1 met of the lak K sar ice north 8 degrees 2 a u ilia wet isrl e 12 C south wu 7 slid ahw c c south 82 degrees 2 e un M chalus thence dionn eren 7 and W chains to ahe place of nine acres of landl coxs chums AND OP SALI cash legal maney of 00 united state ten money t be eat to the on the day of 0 1 a uce oil of ilia by a t court deed at the expense of tile aureli ar ej 1 71 jf A executors ortho LIA of J hit ua thab b from friday av january irth Is at 12 m to frid A y I 1 J a auary itutti EL 0 lopoo okorie A a a th |