Show 7 I 1 vor the standard I 1 ct celibacy A faw ev ewings hince I 1 came across all ill paper anti joined it article entitled tile It appears from chii article eliat one of tile amete I 1 lie old world fins prop need 01 I 1 taxation of all the male persons who do not chouke to take viva the creppon of wedded life there was no special inerio about ilia article in question but its peculiar ab eject grouted many strange aflee tiong a no as I 1 at HIM the fi ce perta lug alie of newspaper inis cellany I 1 thought what all extraordinary train of cir euni stances would be brought about it this ide tho taxation of nil who are not Bened lets should be come a fact BY way of I 1 will state that I 1 am not it bachelor my self and therefore tile r rO posed tax has no terrors for me lint an se the d dlen I 1 I 1 be it is not improbable that tile next generation auld wake up bome morning to real in the paper something lik e the follow ing tile attendance of spectators in judge Somber rocks court yester day was greater than it fixin been at any time during tile present tern of court the chief attraction was the trial af pf taipei Love little on a I 1 of illegal celibacy under the law recently passed by the national legislature tile facts that this wai the first case under the new law ant that this year is leap year com bained to drouse tile neatest gea test interest I 1 in the trial every inch of space in the temple of ju 3 tice was occupied the of the fair sex predominating the I 1 buzz of acla stopped by it smart tap of the bailiff s gavel anti the bourt ras declared open for business the defendant may be arraign ed salt tile judge tile defendant stood tip ant all eyes were immediately turned upon it im ile is iii inan of about 30 years of age tail ani tell billt fact is what most of the ladies would call a perfect apollo ile seemed to feay very little attention to the whimpers that went around lie audience nor did the exers of admiration which escaped the lips of a few of the more im able of the badiei present seem to be noticed by him tile clerk of the court proceeded to read the indictment which was elal jasper Love little of the pi cc aforesaid is accused by this indict ment odthe ariale orille gd alleged toh are lee i eted as follows that ho lid on the first day of january 1947 and on divers other days and times thereafter tip to and including the day of december 1947 continue to resist Y band to r repeated opportunities thrown in his way by the sai ld aliss smith ta marry her the aforesaid mary smith be jaser Love little not then h living i a living and divorced arife and not then being under promise of mar ariage to any other female contrary to tb form of the statute in an oil cases madil and provide deto etc tile d fondant entered a plea of not guilty and then took his seat by the side of his attorneys Pull bard the section of tho statute under which ile L delittle was prosecuted reads as f allows section 3 that if adf male person over the age of 25 and un der the age of 30 years inho is healthy in body and of mind and who is not in any way cally incapable of discharging tile of a husband fails to jai himself in with iome ruit able person of the appos nat a minor bashall be shall be liable to im for a period of 18 or to pay a fine not to ex aeed or to be punished by both fine and 11 the first witness called mory smith site took her sea oa tile witness stand with ail air bf self and smirked at the ail diance as see n as site had her gloves off and bad arrael ed her collar these actions completed she smiled at tile judge and almost upset tile judicial composure functionary what auant if the term may be nd bitted young lady of probably 37 summers avigil a huge pimple on a prominent part of her and a freckled forehead she wears her hair in little corkscrew curls and to be almost an exact re production of one of those erratic whom we read as having lived about one hundred ye ethnol abbing up and down of tile mass of flowers and feathers which topi ed the greater part of the quill ence showed how keen was the de eire to get a glimpse cf the com pla ining witness it was evident that her general appearance bad not gained for her many friet ids abou amou T the audience however find the tr ial aras proceeded with with out further delay after a few preliminary bucs eions the attorney for the pr osvell tion asked what Is your es smith twenty one replied the wit ness with an attempt lit a smile do you k now the defendant stop a minute 10 not answer that question enid the attorney for the defendant if your honor cleme continued the gentleman I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 it t I 1 1 I 1 4 4 1 01 1 1 I object to if is witness ii any more testimony oil mint ground asked tile judge on tile ground that tile prose chion has not chown defit iiii wi woman replied tile attorney the objection was and the nit enry for the prosecute prose cuti it all but after approaching the lesi stand in it mauner lie asked the riest question a will you cleafe state to tile court whether you are a married or lint three of idies smiths curls arbee to an indignity and their after heaving it slat turned to the court and aske d A I 1 11 I 1 compelled to th at olT the court you yin f a ccase honsl er any questions tile zent lemon may debiro to put to 11 you well I 1 do not like to eny said lifs 1 yu flento answer the question at once boid the court and a cloud orar the judicial feature the bitties wit ties pulled out her pock et and applied one corner to her ev and eaic slowly 1 I am nt married now state it you know the ibe fondant fen dant said the attorney for the prosecution well I 1 have lived in the came town as lie lies for a graat many I 1 ears enid tile ianus da you know whether lie is a married man or riot acs air well state hat you know about that ile is net ilow do you karow thi I 1 bow bit bits not married me ud I 1 would not let him marry on budy else have voi ever asked him to marry you 0 E i i ilas lie ever ila an to ask on to marry file yes kir I 1 have bought mik of his mother fur tile past three y ears ani lie has liever made a of marrione marri oge to tile that is all said tile proc cu and misi smith her other byc with another corner of her handkerchief and started to leave tit witness stand wait a minute said tile actor ney for the jdant 1 I have a few questions to ask you ilow old do tail say you arc r C 41 il I 1 W lay par 11 rv baij nil smith wu empra eis on theal 10 you are it year lady are you miss smith made no reply and amid tile titters of the audi once the attorney asked yea say the tie fondant has never made a proposition of marriage to you do you know that he dues not intend to do go 0 I 1 would be go pleased if lie would tail lie wi triss and mile g giggled again answer my question please said the attorney t hardly do you know if tat the defendant does not intend to pop the as our uio to call it to you no L sir I 1 do not sai I 1 the witness slowly ilove you ever asked him to be your husband no I 1 have not but I 1 nill do so if c ever gives rue an opportunity that idill be enough said the attorney and after arranging curls Z Is smith ell teat among the other mrs susan mother ortho defendant wits next called by the and said she was a widow and that lie defendant was her eldest son site also had three other sons and four daughters W hen asked if the statement of tile first witness that purchased milk of mrs was true the witness replied that it was iler son about the house when aliss smith came there ili answer to the questions of the defendants counsel witness taia that herself and her three sons and four daughters were dependent upon the defendant for support eup port none of the other children was able to support himself or herself four other were called by the prosecution but their was metel met el Y corroborative of t bat of the witnesses that hod ed ready ahey all elated that tile and the witness miry smith had lived in the same town for sev eral years past but to far as the Y knew the de was not mar ried to miss smith nor did they know that lie had made her an coffier of marriage th i s closed the evidence for the prosecution and the defendant took the stand in his own behalf when asked ily his attorney if be thought it profir that every man should be married he replied when lie can fill d ft woman chilt suit him alavo you ever met a woman you thought you would like to become your gift no air I 1 have not was the re I 1 odthe pah 11 the brute muttered aks smith between her beell anti 1 r corkscrew cork crew curls rose up in deglint de flint again if your honor cleme aid the attorney for tile defendant 1 I object to the leading of the prosecution in this cas e being aper bitted to snake such i n 1 to az 46 I 1 1 11 xi marks about tile defendant in lie cobit room it is unjust to the do fondant and I 1 call it contempt of court hiis smith enid tile court YOU will please dit contillO conduct or I 1 shall be tinder the td you for contempt of court tile examination of the fit fend ant lies proceeded aith anti the at torney for tile asked about what is the amount of i your I 1 fifty bollara per month and you have to support your self y 0 ur mother three brothers till four sisters out of this if your honor cleme I 1 object to ill 0 attorney for the defence lending his witness in this way said the counsel for tile prosecution akly only is to get through it Is case as quickly as poa able answered the attorney for the do fence you Y may answer the question aid tile court I 1 yee air replied the witness 11 then you do not able A ill A present time to support a wife eyou haveko many own family who are now dependent it pop tou for eu aport no pir tile witness was excused and then followed follo Aed tile examination of gi X other Aitu essee all of them yo ung ladies of from 17 to 22 year 3 if age alio te t bat they hall danced with the dt fondant at vari clua dinies anti that they were tain that lie would ma rry at some time it please tile court faid the attorney fir tile pr ec 1 I would like I 1 k i IF theia last witnesses were put upon the as I 1 do not tee that their testimony lies adv beating on the ease and I 1 think it should be ex eluded and make this its a motion tile attorney for ilia answered that lie con it ax lert testimony and the court so rula this closed the evidence on both sides anti a recess of fifteen was ill ED mica the judge resumed ills C a t oil the bench the arguments of ilia attorneys attorn rys were commenced Of course tile attorney for the de fence was sure that lie hall fiade it eise and that the arl should be pun ishol as tile law provides the bull to perk form as a catiz n he I 1 ind despised tile charms of if very at tive young lady ant had cau sed her much and pain 41 he pad not taken her as 11 ii tills was not th i heinous part of tile cil rence lie had ignored anti let at def ignee yta set at deria nce 11 statute if th country that was palsied because there iraq sit ch it large proportion of the male mem I 1 hers of the co u ito were tie reial in the the of one inapt important duties im med u uld continue t be ignored and fi hundreds i cre are wa are igno r ehg it and allo ir v c expect to bring before chii angoff coutt our g or ions country will soon be without all adequate ade quat number of men to per furra tile duties of the soldier anti the sailor and to protect oil r banies and our families run riot there will be to serve tile police force and the gs who call never become X net will terrorize our wives and ch dren if the curt would turn to the bouldy mouldy past the Y odthe state of bach clo IM honor would quickly lee that it would be impolitic to let ibis defendant escape the punish lie merited for his ignoble conduct can duct after another strong appeal to the court for diction vic tion the attorney an was folo wei by ae attorney for the defend aia mr the gentleman stated that it should not attempt to answer the arguments of his eloquent sor but call tile attention of the court to the facts in the case ile aben reviewed tile ev deuce very carefully and laid particular stress on the fact that tile defend ant hall stated on cloth t hat lie would marry if lie could rind forne body hii would be suitable tui table to ilia tastes was a mail to be forced to marry a woman whom lie never loved and could not udder an Y ces rei pest c reached a per i oi a bonan could take li birties with tile laws of abc country and force a man to marry her against his will surely this august court was nut to be ugee as ail engine of spite by a freckled faced damsel who the fact that personal charms c auld riot win for lier a limbana lim band had taken this course to aviu the heart of ot I 1 c who has nut yet stated that hedou id not even hei then there was the te stimmy of the six 4 ladis ladi s that could not be I 1 gric ired and should be sufficient to c blish in the mind at the cour tsa the fact that the defendant did not in tend to break file law and further more that he would be one of its exemplars probably in a very short time the court retired to consider the ease and after an absence of A little over a balf an hour returned and announced that the defendant would be di sebar gd the decision was received with great applause and the was quickly I 1 y of the fair sex who shook him by tile hand and congratulated him on his lie wili tile hero of the hour and undoubtedly if lie had wanted to he could have be en married on the to far better looking young ladies than the iab ll 11 for the prosecution too our reporter learned from tile prosecuting attorney last night that tie was not deterred by the decklyn in this case and that in a deiv d lys the at rodg arm of the law yet abe brought T iowa in another place and ilia t lie hoped to make a stronger case the next time the lav is on tho statute books faid the gentle m a n 11 and so bonz ns it is not re p baled it is my duty to enforce it I 1 PAUL I 1 1 |