Show LUXURY magnificence what is pronounced the most beau ticul dinner ever given ili america s thus described by a washington co respondent the most elegant odthe lang list of brilliant entertainments given in honor of the lien joseph chamberlain was the dinner tendered him by secretary andl Irs whitney tile arrangements for the table for w hat may aptly be termed a it ito an d gold dinner were in it perfect tion of aate the was sprayed wi tracery of fern leaves down the centre of the table was a broad elegant scarf of cream white satin richly embroidered in gold and fringed at either end in the middle of this was a large curiously shaped bowl of smooth frosted glass on which in relief 0 vine 8 and clovers fl overs in gold this was heaped with puritan roses and maidens hair fern at either end of the scarf in tall french candelas can delab ra mero wax candle sunder globes of gold lam finished about the edge with a fringe of white silk beyond these again were small of gald holding peppe drops and pink and white bonbon the cut glass decanters were in cir cular stands of gold with an openwork pattern of grapes and vine leaves encircling them the individual salt cellars oyster forks and knives used at dessert were of gold bowls were of bohemian glass in cri in non blue and gold and rested upon dollies of fine white linen on u aich embroidered in white silk and outlined in gold were floral designs lit the deep recess aindow of the dirring room was a tall stand af elon y anol gold fil ledwith grovling grov ferns of all varieties upon above the buffet hangs the famous piece of tapestry worked in figures and de sivils typical of the progress of ilia human race from the time of the creation to the flood and worked in one of lite convents antho continent in 1 5 25 |