Show x 11 p 11 A it THE LATEST dispatches DY DT TUB WESTERN UNION it CO A JUVENI JUVENILE LE TRAGEDY A volcano in mexico starts up STILL sini aen vici ory SAILING OF THE presidents FAMILY ETC ET ETC C ETC SAN FRANCISCO san francisco aprill april I 1 tho volcano cf Cu calinia Coli linia iun mexico which for two years has been exhibiting deigns of activity is now in ili full fall eruption throwing out clouds of ashes which fall over a largo large section of country and the smoke is so dense us to obscure the st sun I 1 n the la is described ns as one of awful grandeur richard ichard ll dickson b hackman convicted of rapo on oil a girl of fourteen years of age was col today to day to the states prison for far twenty alyo years nevada yesterday john NV williams Olianis ballod willie miller a mir whon tho the latter shot him through the head with it a roi olver both aro are under twelve yens oil wilkinson Wl Linson a arber of thit city on tuesday night shot mrs burckardt ft gras grais widow twice with ft a revolver olver because sho she refused to etro him tile the woman is now in in ft a dying condition he a is said to ham bano killed hla his former difo a 1 mulatto gi gill I 1 1 some years azo ago at york penn brolo broke jail idil und came to this coast coalt F HEW Z C V d YORK yew new yolk april 4 I 1 the nail and raiko of ole united states slates lavo have agreed to a general advance of SO cent ft a keg mrs grant and daughter accompanied by ex secretary borie and family sailed today I 1 for europe in tho the cunard steamer algeria tho the president and general porter accompanied them hero here from washington new york april 4 tho national academy of design passed in memory of professor morse last evening tile the stock Exclia exchange this morning voted to adjourn both regular calls of stocks until tomorrow to morrow in memory of professor morse and pasca appropriate resolutions judge L today to day granted a motion to ban hac 0 stricken from froin the pleadings certain scandalous passages Zes in ausner ansack to brick pomeroy in the suit against him for breath breach of promise of marriage by miss wilkinson Wil kineon the creditors of the new york and boston express company today to day accepted tile offer of the company to pay seventy five cents on the dollar now new york april 5 A brownsville Browns ville texas dispatch says tile the irm igers are preparing to retaliate on oil tile callic thieves from mexico the ju judiciary committee have finished tho the examination of the iho i barges gailit judge barnard about thousand dollars north hiorth of obscene books pictures and material fur for their manufacture was Eci tid in brooklyn yesterday miscellaneous Chic ligo april 4 isnac isaac C day of tho the firm of day allon itco liol etalo grocers of this city committed today to day dily by shooting himself through the lead head bith etli a pistol poughkeepsie april 3 A special kneet ing ine of 01 the common council vas nas held this evening and ja ia respect of tho the memory of professor pro fis asor morse adopted tile council alao resolved to attend the funeral in a body A resolution was adopted requesting the merchants of this city to close t their heir places of business daring the iho hours appointed for the iho funeral and requesting that flags bo be placed at half mast and tile iho belli 1013 in tho the city tolled st blouio april 5 tho the floering flouring flou flouri ring uX mills of henry C yager corner of franklin lr auklin ard and 1 23 streets burned last night loss fully insured A collision occurred list last night tit at brig brighton I 1 0 illinois biewen a freight train on alio rockford Ockford Pt rock kock island rind st louis railroad and a passenger train arnin on tile hie chicago awl aal alton road killing hilling a fireman outi outright ight and wrecking z both engines badly there is a report that hint eight persons wore killed and several wounded but this cin cia not bo be traced to any reliable reli abla source now nou haven conn april 3 11 returns durns froni from every town bliok majority over hubbard II to be just 2000 and 1 lii plurality over all 71 74 providence it 11 I 1 april 3 in the flie stata electron elect lon ion today to day tile entire republican vai a elected with wilh tile ilia exception of tile ilia candidate for lacut governor against whom ft a blechal bl ecial issue wills was made mada on account of ills his ill al foged conne alion with trap cluing return from ill all towns but one give padelford pc ito rub publican lican for Go governor vornor 1071 majority and cutler culler democrat for Go goerner Goer nor majority mujo rity the senate standi 26 republican 11 democrats house 50 17 democrats FOREIGN NEWS london april 4 I 1 tho strike of ofilio abo london printers lias bas proved successful in the demand fur for an ail increase of wages and ana limitation of a dys work to nine hours one hundred and forty two firms have conceded tile demand the globe globa today to day calls attention to ft a rumor of an ail extraordinary chir character acter which obtained currency that the case of tile the allier ainor ican government it estimates esti milea the loss losa of citizens of the ali united state by capture and of airier ienn and cargoes by confederate couii irs built or cited out in ell english alth at and the expenses ot oatha tho united states stales in pursuing enid bald privateers nt at two hundri hundred d millions milli uin tile tha globe comments with some omo severity verity te on oil this s and expresses tho the hope hopa that gladstone ws will ill be called upon in parliament forian fair an explanation as ai to its truth or falsity Gani garrisons zons N Y april 3 the remains remains of general Gi anderson reached west point this and were placed in it vault in tile tho everything was private according to tile tho request of tile ti ei of tile iho deceased decea qed |