Show x OF till 1 united tribes trl t abc atc bes s PASSED AT TILE jj li i or of the ho sa 1 coln buix gress ran GENERAL NO IS 18 AN ACT to authorize tho ilia construction of a bridge across the missouri river at or near bt juseph missouri lie he it enacted by tile sonata senate and of of tile uniti 1 l states ot of Ar america in congress assembled that ll it be lawful for the st joseph hodga building company a cori organized for that purpose under ilia die general corrior corrini olion ration laws of the state slate of missouri lis to construct a bicigo across the missouri river at or near nar saint Joel lj Misso missoura url ond and to lay on oil and over said aid bt budge idge ay tracks fur lie more perfect connection of tiny any and all railways that ire now or which may hereafter bo be constructed to the I 1 missouri Misac turi river at or near saint joseph or to ilia iha river on tile the opposite sido of tile the time near saint Jos joseph epli nad build erect and lay on and oscr aid bid bridge c ays lor for vl agoni vehicles of all kind and for the transit of ani animal mall and to provide ways for foot laseen passengers gers and to keep up maintain and operate said bridge lor for ilia purposes aforesaid and that dint and bridge is constructed nil all trains ot of nil all railroads railto ids terminating at said river and on the opposite side ther thereof cor at or near saint joseph mi ouri be allowed to cross said brid bridge ge fir reao compensation I 1 to be made to tile owners of the iho tonic came under the ilia limitation and conditions hereafter named the of the sail said bridge imy also charge annl aej receive reasonable compensation or tolls fur ilia transit over the said faid bridge of nil all wagons magons carriages ve vehicle hiel animals and ars 2 ahat ali it any bridge built under ilio provisions of thib it ita ail ai A l may at al the option of person or persons or corp corporation oratio 1 I building the 1110 same be built As a drawbridge with 11 pivot or or other oilier furni form of draw or with unbroken or continuum spans an provided the thai if the tamo same st all lie bo made of unbroken or continuous spins spans it shall not be of less cle elevation in any cio caso than fitly erty fuet above extreme high flaler matar mark as under understood stool fit at the point of location to t the bottom chord of alio budge nors nor shall ball the spans apang of said eaid bridge bo be icis than three hundred on and fifty fret feet in length and tho the piers oft of tnie il br iridio ij hhall be parallel villi the current of the river and tho the main pan shrill be over the main clia channel mirl of the I 1 liver and not less titan than three hundred feet acet length and provided ded also anat iret if i bridga shall sli ill be ba built under tinder this act as A dram bridge tile the same shall be constructed as a pivot with a draw over the ilia main channel of the river at al nil accessible and davig navigable ablo point and ith spans pans of not acs titan than one hundred and tinty sect feet in length in n tile iho clear un kuh cacti side of the iho central or pivot pier of the draw and tile the next adjoining spin span to the draw shall not ejot be DO less than NO IHO hundred and fifty feet and and said pins shall nut not be less titan than thirty hirty fact above low bater mark and not less than ten feet above ex extreme high water mark measuring ing to the bottom chmid of tile tho bridge and the piers bridge shall bo be 1 parallel with alic turrant of the inar and it provided also alao that said draw shall be e opened promptly upon reasonable signal for I 1 the 1 passage is bage of boats whoso choso construction not be sueh such as ah to admit of their passage under the permanent pans of said bridge except when trains fire are pi issing over ver the tame same but in no case eli ahall ill annem delay in opening the sni said 1 draw during or filler alter tile the the of trains and provided Pir birther ther that the corporation building taid said bridge if not unauthorized by bellil alm ilm of its hartch of incorporation enter upun upon the banks of river vieb er ahoo a or the polut point odthe of the location of tf taid baid bridge fur a distance of seven miles lil ileF and erect and maintain breakwater break water or use such other me means ans as may bil ba necessary to make inake it a channel fur fr said aid ri cr and confined flow of ibo water to a channel and to do da u whatever may be necessary to accomplish com taid object but shall hall not impede or obstruct the iho na of the iho said river and all plans fur ruch works or erections upon the banks banki of the river ell thill ti I 1 fant bo be i 1 sub submitter mitten to alo secretary of mar ar for ins his V approval sec 3 that tiny bridge built under this his act and according to its limitations hall be a laa lawful ful structure and shall bo be recognized and it post bouto upon which also no higher charge hall bo bernade made for the over the tama same of the mails tho the troops and the munitions of war of the Ul united litel states slates than the ila rate per mile paid tor for their tran over the railroads or public highways leading to tho said bridge SEC 4 that in a cue of tiny any litigation i rising from any obstruction or alleged obstruction st ruction to the freo free navigation navi galion of the missouri ouri river nt at or near tho the crossing of said aid bridge and or alleged to be ba uca the cause hall be com A and tried in the district courts of either judicial districts of missouri or karl tm las in abich the taid said bridge or any aay portion obil ruction touches ind and the right to alter r or amohn this act so as to prevent or rem remove 0 ill all 11 material obstructions e ti ons to the navigation of of said river by the tha con construction st ruction of said nid bridge is is hereby expressly reserved and all tuch such alterations when required by law be 19 made nt at tho the expense of said aid lubi bridge rill company rind and the plan on which bridge dao is intended to be built artris and hall bo be built buil t hall be ba fira submitted to and apy approved proved by jy tho the arvor of WB arc 0 5 that the iho saint baina joseph bridge building company after the passage of 0 th it act shall hall not have the be right to assign this ih charter which said baid ff company now holdt holds H by assignment from the saint joseph and ff ausaw city company ws and 10 wu was granted to said mist lit named company ly by virtue or of an act 0 of congre congress july fourteenth I 1 tio hundred u d red and seventy tonny to anny other oilier coin company finn acison or persons nor shall a said i 1 brid bridge it bu Lull luelling 1 dieon ling com n be milled afinder under ne iba sau said theof charter t er so obtained as aforesaid from the saint joseph an binl denver cuy city 1 company to construct tiny other oilier bridge than tile ono one now boing being constructed construct id d nl at saint int joseph missouri Uis approved marili march 5 1972 NATURE nn N 19 A V ACT atto to provider tir tribe ali of statuary find photographs for exhibition flee 1 iee be abo at alt bouso 01 0 depre bvm ot cie I 1 beatus of america in congress assembled assum bled that nil all painting pal and i oti pit turca into ilia tates for by iy ay any alion duly authorized under tinder tile ass of one iho united states or any state fur for llio abo promotion find of science art or and not intond intend cil etl for title liall bo be admitted tinder such rules rule swid airl regula as the I 1 secretary ol of lie treasury tren sury shall prescribe provided that bon lond bonit it sli lo be gli given c 11 for tile payment to tile united sin states acs of such duties ns as are ara now impo imposed seil by low apon any anyan awl all borsuch articles arti clea ai klinl nut not bo be ro re tej athin six months after such importation march 5 1872 |