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Show -H. , , I I 11 III, . IM.MI IIIIHII V - ! WANSHIP NEWS. ' Kuner.il .1 rvice ov-r tli- r-maiii H, "ii. . rl; Yoiiiur. w-h.i iln-lat hi I ,.- 111 Willi. hip "ii M lay June. at, I. wet. I," I I III tin- wilt. I llieellluf hou.e ye.u r lay. The speaker, were. 1 Pr. .. tiiiinl V. Taylor, of Criinlle Milk.-, an nii.-h "f Hi" ,l"c"H.".il; lti.l.i I . 1 1. Ilix...n ami W. II. Iirmi. h Music wa. furiiish.-il hy the wai l chir: J. II. Tnrf.-nrl r nil-r.-il ' a ."I". Tli" house wa h. BHtfillly 1 .!.- n 1 .1 with lilac, an. I the ' lloral i.lT. rn,r wer heautltful- j ; 1 1. , -. -. . I wa hum In PaHer. New J-r-.y. .Mis'. 27. Was 'hnpli"il ll ineuilier of the 'chinch"! J-siis Christ of l.ulter- i .lay Smuts in I'".. Cnnie lo Ctiih In l-s-.s. Wh innrri.-il May I. lo Miilihlii Wyknlf. at Suit l.imc H ( ii.v. He was set apart as lusliop nl I Wanshlp ward Keh. H. Is---., ami wa I or, lain. I a pntrinrch Jan. -T. I"S- H |