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Show i is Hi "" i mi ' "' . - SEVERAL IMPORTANT FACTORS 1 : IN SECURING SUPERIOR HOGS .- ': i ') Too Much Stress Cannot Ta Laid on Selecting Breeding ' ' " . Swlns From Sound Healthy Anlmala Craaim ' Separator Una Greatly Reduced Scours s ' la IMge lla lanced Ration IWaU aWaiMJut , t awe'.'-Vjli. - V; .J w af" Vj''. 'P""- i ' . ' , Sr. -ie5t!s ' ." . '" " ..'5 IL ' " '. ':" '..."'. -v,-"a , Etcsllsnt Brood Sow and Litter. (My It B. I.AHA I Tha farmers of IVnmark sacura tha best prices for their fsnry bsrnn for the resson that they have established small parking establishments where they ran hnul their hogs and get their psy for Ihe hogs nrrordlng to their actual worth. The tnnn who baa lot of thrifty Aiigutt and September plga and glvea them rntlnnal rare until grata mmot and has them resdy for the market by the nildillo of June will make belter bel-ter money for his feed than he will on any bunch of plga that he feeds during the year. On ench and every farm there should he some provision made for dipping hogs. This not only proves to be an eauy and effectual way of disinfecting disin-fecting an I tun la which are brought onto Ihe farm but It ftlso keeps them free from lire. I'ottlbly there la no oilier farm snl mnl Hint rnn offer ns poor an eiriise for hla rilstenre ns tha scrub bog lie Is an unprofitable animal any way you take him. Aa an economics! pork producer be Is a failure Kven his ability to shift for himself does not recommend blm lo the people within the limit of his range as he has the reputation of preying upon neighboring corn fields when food Is acarce. Ills build naturally adapts blm to hla manner of living since ha Is long-legged, long-legged, narrow In the chest, has ft long, narrow snout. This adnpts him lo hla manner of living. With the scrub hog It Is "root hog or die," hence tha long snout. Hla narrow body aids him In gelling through imsll fence rrncks and If ho falls to find a place Inrgn enough to go through the fence ha ran soon dig under un-der It with his long snout. There Is nn etandnrd of eirellenre for the arruh hog alnca he may poa-lets poa-lets almott any form irept a bctu-tlful bctu-tlful one; he may be of any color. He has the reputation of being able lo stand all kinds of rough treatment nd still survive. He Is regarded as being able to relit re-lit t dlsesse bettor than the Improved breeds of bogs. We very much doubt whether this quality attributed to the trrub hog Is true time wa have noticed no-ticed that hog cholera takea tha trrub as well ns the well bred hog Ono thing Is sure -Unit the scrub hog can consume more vnlunble feed snd give lets In return tbsn any other animal that we know of. A farmer who owns n herd of scrub hogs lelilum needs any other corn crib than his hogs. He never gels rich selling pork snd In fact If he depended upon his hogs to mske him money to buy better bred bogs he would never own belter ones. The scrub hog usually keeps his owner so poor tbat he Is not able to buy lielter stork. In ftut, this Is the evrute iituslly given fur his vilatcnre. poor farming and scrub linns are um-illy um-illy found associated together. They are near and dear companions, compan-ions, lloth make a rapid retreat before be-fore t progressive spirit and there Is not a better evidence of Ihe general progress! veness of a people thnn Ihe sbtenre of Ihe scr.ih I. in: from a community. com-munity. Too murh slrers ennont he laid on selecting breeding twine from sound, hesllby parents. Animals that are not strong In coniiltutloti cannot with-itant! with-itant! dlteate as well as thotn which ire strong In thai respect. In rase hogs are troubled with din-me It Is almont Impossible to give tin ui medicine medi-cine or anything elne that will n v vcrv helpful. About s'l we ran do Ih to feed a ration that run be easily digested di-gested snd keep them In clean rpiar-lert. rpiar-lert. thoroughly disinfect H e pens lind let the disease run Its course. I Whole milk Is one of Ihe best feeds for hoes that are suffering with dlreatn of any kind II Is nn evrel-lenl evrel-lenl feed and has often been of grent assistance In brlnKmn "!' through im-IIh of sickness There Is no disputing Ihe fact that corn It an Meal hoe Ned. but every practical feeder admit Hint bettor re-I re-I Bulla ran ho brought snout by feeding la ration that la composed of less than two-thirds corn. It Is a mistake to think that ' cannot afford to buy I other feed to mil with the corn. Ordinarily II Is a mistake not to feed the hogs the liquid before the solid food Hogs will make from 10 to II j pounds of mem. live weight, for eacL bushel of corn eaten, bit because of this too many farmer! feed loo much corn. The rream separator has greatly reduced re-duced s.-ours In plgt bees use the ftklm milk ran always ba fed while sweet. When the aow of good type hss proven herself a prolific breeder, an economical feeder, and a good mother. It la a good plan to keep her seversl yeara. The mature tow requires only food for maintenance, while the growing one needs food for growth, furthermore further-more Ihe older one will have an appetite appe-tite for waste that a young one would not rare for, Kierrlse will help mska that streak of lean and alreak of fat that It da-alred. |