Show THE registration wo we aro ire informed by reliable citizens that one of ortho the deputy registrars in baden precinct who be began bean b an their circuitous career today to day is taking hia his business very easy and seems to believe that instead of being the hired servant of the people at per diem he lie is to be their taskmaster as were pharaohs Phara oha inin minions among the ancient people of israel As we always wish to incline to vard tho the mild sido side of a difficult case we will give he the party in question the benefit of the tile doubt that be understand his position and exceeds his duties in a blind dealto zeal to play into the dirty hands of the rule orrein or ruin clique at second south street strett salt lake city uty we lve are also so ell charitable ari table 1 as 15 to hope ho he will take the hibit and anti repent of his evil way ft ay and henceforth not refuse use loyal american ci citizens the little right that has bas been left them thein after all the iniquitous spanish inquisition legis legislation lalion of congress else we ive might have a bone to pick I 1 with him tar number of cheap li beasics is increased by another series ries one calculated for the benefit of the little ones it is the tile pans pansy y books those delightful stories by mrs G R alden the present first number ii H tip lewis and his lam forming a hari handsome dome and handy little volume of pages printed in clear largo large type the price is only 25 cents D lothrop co boston are the publishers gov CLr CLEVELAND VELAND has signed b the bill passed by the legislature of new york state prohibiting the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine in that state of the largest wholesale wholes sale dealers in imitation butter declares his determination mi nation to continue the sale of the artic leand offers oleomargarine and butt crine for sale on their merits that is for what they are if he lie is arrested arre sed for so doing he lie will contest the law on the ground of ita its unconstitutionality ane NUMBER of devotees of the noble and healthy art of locomotion loc on the two wheeled propeller commonly called bicycle in the united states is estimated at the league of american wheelman is an organization of which dr N INI beckwith new neny york city is tho the president it has over members tho the annual meeting will be held hold in washington on may alay 19 and 20 when from 1500 1600 to 2000 representative wheelman wheelmen elmen almen are expected to be pre present the object of the tion is to promote tho the general interests of bicycling and tri cycling to ascertain and protect the rights of wheel wheelman wheelmen elmen meu to institute regulations for races to fecere favorable rates for tho the transportation of machinery ebi nery and to encourage tours GENTEEL SLAv SLAVERY rRY id is practised practiced in tilt much cultured boston of which the N asun Y sun gives the fol lowing account the dry try goods clerks it seems have no liberty of action in trying to better their can condition as the principal boston houses bouses have a compact not to hire e help from irom each other nor to en encourage cour any advance in salary A philadelphia adeep ilia house tent kent an agent to boston on monday april to engage men and of cobrae many boston clerks were anxious to apply tho the large dry gooda goods houses bouses sent out floor walkers und and deputy managers to fita stand ild at the office of al application and L spot pot all clerks tho result was za a bia bic black list and a num number berof of eals the question now arises were these deputy epics spies guilty of intimidations for which they can bo be ru reniah nish ed by lawand Wand Ift is is it a crime in a at free rree country count axy for men to honestly ho neatly endeavor to 6 better their condition A large organization is being perfected to explain to tho the american people this new phase of genteel slavery 40 |