Show explosion the severe frost that accompanied the late severe mountain winds which prevailed in this ct city tl bound up many things in its icy grasp grase on saturday dormu morning mr nir head read an employed at the union de depot ot hotel made his fire in the cool cooki in nj ranee range in the kitchen of that establishment when the heat reached a certain temperature an explosion took which mig might I it have bee been n fatal fata I in in effect As it was it wa was serious enough the ra range n ge was blown to pieces several windows were blown to atoms andinor and andI mr NIr read received several injuries dl disabling abling him from work for the time being but we are pleased to learn that in a short time he will recover and be able to return to his work again we understand that the cause of the accident was the freezing cf of the water in the water bed of the range and the various various pipes connected with that apparatus when they u acro ere lica heated ted steam was generated which cau caused zed the explosion |