Show till THE WOULD A lo wr sc j jy saturday morning at the uniti pacific depo two had thu tile ale pleasure tire of an oil to a i gentleman whoa had mow than tile average trav traveled elew a tj entert st the tilt toll hl in question had lit attracted ou our before eKre If by bin his loreign ap ip I j bearance pe arauco arance dwely counte imily anil and the lie garb ofa of a t traveler r in j southern clinics lie jj aia va a mr W A I lc lie ati ignited ain nn 1842 to africa where lie made liia ali gioino ionic and azid raised a i i ainaly of five song ire I re cat a large larme st sugar ar and co belill alec e in ill natal i from r iii which lie derived a largo large fortune 17 wo or three times during liia his resi residence in south africa lie visited old Eil england gland alwawi alwa ly b way ny af th old world J at 64 lie terin ined to complete his alre already extensive C x t C kavc knowledge 11 of tile world wo rl by tal iiii the trip the western in ili J january ill ir lie started from frotton natal accompanied by one of his ons ions i a bright look egand a Z by young oung ili man all the two traversed the alai atlantic it ic and I il pacific ocean oceans itin various points in ill tile continent of of tile kangaroos at sidney they bought through tickets for london a it fint fai st clam ticket without any harm lutrin befalling them they proc proceeded U onward to the ilic american Anic rican continent I stopping a few days at honolulu in Q alifornia they visit edtill edall the numerous curio itice of that picturesque uc country the of the j ani the arboreal giants of talaveras Cala veras they crossed t alio to snow snowe clad lad sierras and tind the f age brugh of nevada in ili utah the alicy y leavo ha ve visited vis itce salt lake lecig deeply impressed by the peculiar aspect of city and country on 01 i saturday morin morning n mr fr middleton midd let oil and an d son lett for f or thell alio east ast intending to pay hying fl ing visite visits to all tile leading cities ortho united states which are making a deep impression on their mind by their bust bustling lim activity and breathless progreso pro gres gross 11 compared with the the pastoral quiet ahil primitive simplicity of bilings and people in natal and the orange free state air mr middleton discoursed also very intelligently on oil the condition of politics polities in the cape colonies and south africa afric a in general and hh his judgment on oil the boers was that they arc a peaceful industrious and i frugal race tenacious of their rights and jealous of their liberty he ile thin thinks that ultimately the various vanous status states and provi provinces nem of south africa will coalesce into into an all federation ede ration with thelic the batet A wi wishes for a prosperous join ncy we bade the two south africana fare wel |