Show till THE the new york en I alio llio lie 11 hi W IT to lie NL ni v YORK may the ethnal tomono to mono vill ill punt the le fust first of si it kries of articles front washington com ending the tile star still rotate coli tracts ads rite opining dispatch is in ill a it girat great 11 mea inc rc d devoted L vote to a it hi emoiy tory odthe of the various vacuous routes till and the means ii od ed to have the for fior fransi orting ili ingails aih ner over them ingrem ul ed the rhe beginning of tile t lory i is suggestive and is as is follow a tio the iino mill will como collie hon he tile lings which have plundered tile Tre treasury abury of the united states by means of contracts for carrying CHIT ing Z the iii mails ails will ill take their place in ill history I I is and in ilia estimation of the american people by the side i of the mo it infamous organizations the tweed ling ring of as new cw york and the canal ling ring of new york have passed macd bey beyond nid the period of denial explanation or attempted defense and their dishonesty and corruption are facto as ns firmly established in history as the events of the war ir of tile revolution the tar star service rings are still in existence but their condition resembles that of a snake that lias has lost lentils its licad and is seeking to replace it tile lead is elicio is a it tremendous lots ciler Y and awer hi in body nevertheless without a head these organizations inest list liea it is a great struggle in in illicit bich the e ri aged their i efte extends I into allot every direction their agents aro are numerous in both of the great political parties their operations have been interwoven with ith great political undertakings der er their strength can be only by abo ic who have sought for the evidence of their corruption and seen the efforts which they have put foith forth in their on own defonse there arc are intelligent persona who ho predict pi edict that kllc alicy will ill vm will this their greatest battle lat tle an as they have won on battles before the pez people vill will make the fulfillment of this prediction impossible as soon as the they y plainly understand the manner ili in abich they have been robbed to the people the facts must be shown for with etli them lies the enduring rem ady ady through their representatives in congress I ff ress in the past the people and representatives have innocently been the bulwark for the protection of tl alec ec lings rings ali any attempt to lay lily bare the arioli of wickedness lias has been denounced as its an all attack upon the energetic pio pioneers of our growing IN west est and southwest and tile honest influence of thee people liaa ins ile been el I sufficient fo to baing brin P the scale in favor of the persons who lio were robbing them under tile pretence predence pre tence ofa of a braind nev new policy for the thorough nation of intelligence jn n the last ia t annual report of the postmaster General Mr maynard then holding that office there vas was the following public caich only wily W that its correspondence is conveyed toils to its destination with certainty celerity and pe rity all and pays ays little attention to the methodi tjay which aich these ends aie are lift attained aliis is tine true and in this truth may ilia le a acen the safety of the rings when the people determine to pay some attention to those methods then the lings rings will ill be a at an end the tines article f goes oes on oil to sa hay eliat alic evidence aich lias li asben azen rapidly idl y accumulating mr janic annil it liandro for the pio pro certion and kunii limont odthe guilty perZ pei hiis will ill ile 10 tile basi basis it is e expected f for or a large number of if import taut suits tecc feints ill 13 ca ried on oil centi centioli tuii tion oll officers in ill III illy states and tile who have now io tile cannot of Pl plire lre give it to tile pies press the intile itle li ory odthe of alie I fancy ll 11 ey rot ites I is ho however weier ibid it I aill will be wade if to it jn ill j etli some of alio loulean ni i b ba described the main pe of t so llis tories however is to act I i fore tile people iio ilc tile methods by which idich so to aluch money ley lias has been given jeli aay away and thrown 11 way any ns I by lf inc C official records bliem Ys a iii shinto ll 11 was as the place liero tie ole olli cial worl ork lone lope but tho giside side eyere laid ii ip new york where a i holise was a hired shied and set apart for consultation |