Show teich them io work A great ini mistake stake that mandof our girls eirls arc are malting making and that their moers th arc are either encouraging or allowing them to make is that of spending their time out of school in idleness or in frivolous amusements doing no m work ork to speak k of and learning nothing about about the pra practical duties and the serious serious cares of life it is not only in alio wealthier families that the girls are growing up indolent and unpracticed in household work indeed I think that more attention is pa paid id to the industrial indu training of girls of the wealthier families than in ill the families of mechanics and of deop people ae in moderate circumstances where the mothers arc are compelled to work hard all the while within the last week says one of my correspondents I have heard two mothers worthy women in in most respects say the first that her daughter never did any sweeping why if she wanted t p say to lii co companions nip I never swept a room in my life and take any comfort in it let her say it and yet that mother mether is sorrowing sorrowing much over tile shortcomings of that very daughter the other said she die would not let her let daughter do anything in the kitchen poor deluded commil woman slie she did it all herself instead I the habits of indolence and kielp helplessness that are thus formed are not lot the greatest ecat cz t avi evils s realton resulting from this bad practice tile selfishness that it f fosters is tile worst tiling thing about it how devoid of conscience how lacking in all true sense of tendel tenderness ness or even of eit girl must be who will thus consent to devote all her time out of school to pleasuring while her mother is bearing all the licad heavy y burdens of the household I and the foolish way in iii which mothers themselves sometimes talk about this even in tho tile pre presence their children is is mischievous is in the extreme hattie is so absorbed with her books or her crayons or her embroidery that slie she takes no interest in household matters mattei s and I do not like to call upon her As if the daughter belfil belonged ed to a superior order of bein beings aill and must not soil oil her hands or ruffle her lier temper with lickess necessary sary housework the mother is the drudge the daughter daug liter is the fine lady for whom slie she toils no mother who suffers such a state of things as this can preserve the tho respect of her daughter and the respect of her daughter daug liter no mother can call afford to lose the result of all this is to form in the minds of many girl girls not only a distaste for labor but a contempt for it and a purpose to avoid it as long as is they live by some means or kotlier E ex |