Show lalo was yesterday visited ly a violent which lasted an hour during tho progress of these antics of tho elements the lightning sought a little acy suddenly tho yard of Wit brothers on Tiiu kf ud playfully gitl loping over the nerves of fawn who etro lariah lAri fH ono of iw awn wai thrown u th ground ly the of tha concu aH Othey ft like 11 maw oft the top of the head while tho slight gnp on the idi of the libat ond another on oiw of atia knew no injury aa by any ot bo fiuty but nil were soine what and it is supposed that alie electric uld waa ly the S in were knag cldye ly WK are in receipt alon from june 1876 which for thy reason that the writer dota dot a irl div liia name in full we co ald not even U tint con or hia litster acro appropriator Z A fe |