Show A STORM alie united state signi station at pikes peak esthe highest signal elation in alio world it ais olo the highest inhabited portion of mhd globe it was opened in september 1873 correspondent says government office nt pikes peak is no sinecure for tho officer must brave all weathers and buffet all storms occasionally an electric storm visits theP there is little thunder accompanying those storm but the mountain seems to bo all on fire sergeant informs me that when ho was out observing ono of these storm it appeared as if all the mountain top wore a sheet of electric flared it camo out of every rock and darted around with wonderful audacity it played around him and ne lie expressed it shot down hia back and darted out at each boot toe and so completely filled him with electricity that lie could not retain his foothold but bounded and rebounded from the rock like rubber ball ho felt as if a powerful electric battery was pour ing fiery darts all gli him and deeming discretion lie better part of valor he bounded into the signal station for preservation preer J S foreman of the second district court is in salt lake PAN the Chin amini who assaulted on last ono of his own countrymen with fatal intent has been released temporarily under bonde ilis trial takes place before justice middleton on monday and nt that time lie expects lo 10 havea one pah n friand tn caso of mary the utah central R R company still in progress in tho court |