Show monday once in a groat while a minstrel that h worthy of being seen by iid ie and this way when lucli a company of appart vt barff h kwoll monday wilson primrose A west present beffie yu blitsh blit sn ami itar t quote arora ivorra it ie minstrel und that the manager of a class theatre d vis stage but the performance given lov bests Miu streU at wf cipul street aft cwi wwi amt unexceptionable ia its clia tw ami oi lamto iam to the audiences seek ment at tilis howe mr arlow rr low ia oneff tho lies orif of southern we have seen on aget in th kuti witti ft rare libin to oa upon the of UM dialect and ep apeci eci PO als o bliem with Id clity to htiu origin al II 11 bloc not Iio wua the of the ange but of tho octto aid the by contact with the hia jovn lomie mr wilson ii a pc of an en keen feeno of immor and u izower of by alio othor lre of ali firm etro ong ad tliatha re come anti inti not bottoe toe late dicara the pro gramme as n |