Show daily junction jan 22 STORM PETRELS E A sothern Sol hern the actor died at london the rain turned to enow in new york yesterday in the battle at miraflores Mira fiores peruvians were engaged fifteen inches of snow fell at port jurvis N Y on friday A shock of earthquake was fell at bath me on thursday night the storm of friday did immense damage all along coast purchased considerable interest in the keokuk northern line liter reports are more favorable for a peaceful solution of the greek question allinor of iowa pushes tha claims of jas F for ft place in the cabinet blaino says ha does not know a single man who is to enter garfielda cabinet refuses all con bertion hia name with a cabinet position gen Pi eroUs brother and the peruvian minister of war were takeo prisoners tha democratic caucus of west virginia nominated J N canden IT S senator cant georfe W chilson eighth cavalry by pass texas uon smith stillwell r aldens burg N Y dieda fie ayn in his year of age mrs widow of the late general died on wednesday evening at latiz the storm hag played havoc among the vessels on the north and eist river N Y francis A walker is not aware that garfield has him in mind for a place in the cabinet gambetta was elected reelected re president of tho chamber of deputies yester day receiving votes the peruvian loss in the battle at barolis ha rolis is mid to have been killed and 2000 prisoners G F lager beer brewery in philadelphia burned last night loss insured fanny nepher a young lady of 17 hearp by strychnine at brownville neb on tuesday senator bruce considers all comment about his alleged entrance into Oar fields cabinet gratuitous raum does not know or believe eliat there if any intention of naming him to any cabines Ca binel situation ona of the mines at red kuth cornwall was suddenly hooded yes and eight persons drowned the mammoth hotel in course of erection at asbury park N J was demolished by a storm friday afternoon jame R acene is searching for B englich sire to take the place of his unfortunate horse blue gown the senate bill fr the retirement of den ord with the rank und pay of major general has been passed by the house the kurdish chief sheikh didyk onerea to furnish the porte with cavalry in the event of a war with greece J A copeland cashier for aidrich milner li co at chicago yesterday his laving lean found short the diplomatic body at lima ave burped alie conclusion of an armistice aad ask thai the person ef senor lo 10 respected tho senatorial at nashville tenn reached its ballot without result maynard loading with 30 votes irom lech jan 15 for new york hag been totally wrecked off suffolk one man of all on board was babad A collision on the freight bridge near albany N Y wrecked three locomotives and a number of cars and spilled grain damage at the public reception gian by agn and mrs grant at the executive mansion at altiana Alti any N Y yea larday many citizens paid their re |