Show QUARTERLY conference of A ather of alm hald m A ao 00 raemae ra imae on the bland present atre of the stake apostles wilford woodruff and jos F smith F D richard elder charles W the bishops of the ren roae fand various ward the waa called to and the choir sang the hymn on page 61 my god the spring of nil aay jota prayer waa offered by klerr joaeph stanford and the choir sang biow beauteous are their feet who stand on zions hill prest peery then announced that tha morning in heiring reports from IUA bishops thu a number of the apostles Apo who would civo u during the conference the word and bucl it weald be well for the sin Is to follow atio county lad made some progress in various matters tho rapid ad nent among which waa of our children in aduca dional matters we had tho best in the territory and they appreciated logli by children wera bevz and parents as was seen by the the young iia wished to say thai the county was called upon to fam b thirty tamil rs to go as ilson iriM to Ar izna this was a opportunity for young men ta tind honion but they should so with the spirit of god in ihna lawt with an aspiration to serve god and walk in the counsels rl in they should po feeling that they were called by ahe servants of god and that they could s alim as well as in utah tho wardi wera then reported by their bishops a follows airet ward B C critchlow third ward counselor banard white bouril ward bishop N flygare ile bichop P G taylor bishop F A hammond fri friconi conJ ward ogden counsels Co unselT eggleston Eggl eslon plain city bishop W bishop boford bishop lynap D F A whole the condition otho vairl in reli ious mailers had iril chinked greatly sinco the last r it ihn change had aliffi I ir aha li lafr the ar sion n wax filid by the bi i p a number cil t would c i d they edited but very beff i frn fr n buo i lit go i i alia new auntry cu the im proem nt A oc abio is were doing rell ac alion reaching at thier ib ahng an of the duties of th lifa of letter dry saints the of the hii very good but art few ii alba having ired durin taft past six montha the laople leave axen very prompt in gettlin aber tithing tho were arll for in some wals the kilich Sg telis acie do ing much and col in tick providing bof tb poor schools were in legion in all the wards which were b children and by canipe tent instructors tb e the hardest to cons troi but hi a rule they were conducted t he instructions of the twelve apostles the choir jem je m mighty kingin zion and ahe conference wicy turned till pm prayer by elder win W carton 22 p M thi c wag called to order and the choir aana let zion in beauty rise va by I ilio ringham after which ih choir ang ibe dmn on pig CO ill braise my while ac br arih ih breit announced that the of the would be ha had rc ived several balli from ii all the wards nearly who wore deai rou of the arizona inis sion and he wished the bishops to faive the name of thesa that they may be of thia country cilus T ua who have no are grei to thue there they will leomea in utah opportunity to father djs life ehni the nii by and perseverance perse prow d ic aby wiil eliav the opportune i y t arow up ahn country nua any for alie kingdom of god ita clendenny len denny bf which is to ci iut lo 10 the youth th ll lowing waid were taca reported torelli ogden Biho Maycock i wet belr Ve Lr bishop john I biarl hooper bishop gilbert Bel flap edan Coun golor II 11 bichop john A Ui alAti bobi gale what wa said in the reports this inoT ran alo bo said of those alvrn atin north ogden will doia hive their dev meeting completed it ii built on the dinae aaa ib tt of alio second val edn aal that in tille and when will be a ewiel t the poop leof the ward of the letter priesthood a not in the OB the large of young who were officers epand being called upon to nl kupi hen reported in tb Ct cauty uty re twenty diio school in alje saat the mot of which are i a very condition A m wed dili geneo ig in aln carp aind much rood in living by the school and who aro helped ilia bip liy taft of the wards the is leered in all lia choln aal ahe diot of the boik fi now efad and studied in them r by eur own people ih precept exceed prel jo A vet reported the youn men mutual improvement A abo minute cf the of theao association have already been given to our readers it I to reproduce the report to day aponte F D richard eted that our elder JOB sanford had been called upon by of the church apostle orion pratt to eire a ofine organ nation ot the tU ement in ahia county and he dished he bishops and other who are the or andy of abut alder stanford la furnishing the re quiren information pret ll errick announced that the conference would be adjourned till bunday morning at 10 adlock B m the choir ang an anthem and wa othere l by elder F S undy jan 22 10 am the was called to ord r by counselor L L ll errick the choir bang the hymo p tf orent G od attend while ion i ng and eldir D M of ferel up prayer after which the hymn thing kreung of alon TM sung D II 11 prefaced the reading of the report with a few remark stating that there was notable increase in the population of the stake about while onar two members had been excommunicated many more might have been tho total of the statistical report for the weber stake of zion for the quarter ending Jan lOth 1881 were then read by tho clerk 01 the stake X Anderson II BLOKE JOSRPH r was the first to address the audience on principles plea of the gospel lie hoped that th time ha might occupy might be profitably used lie felt very dependent upon the lord and the faith of the saints there was BO doubt much that might bo said of interest and importance if directed by the lord the wag vast and varied applying joau conditions in which mankind is found in this and all other ages of the world both living nd dead the great plan of alva lion is adequate be it on the earth n heaven or bell the gospel will reaal even those in the prison house bound in the chains of dark for bin committed while in the flesh hence there is enough to be said ot interest to all who may desire to listen at we have been brought to acknowledge the fact that our mission here on earth ia not confined to this world alone but the power of the is also for the salvation eal of the spirits that are now behind the tail we are callei to be saviors of men and thosa who are faithful will be called saviors of mt zion and they will stand as gods even as ions of god in the presence of the father and the son they shall receive powers and kingdoms and principalities to reign and rule on earth in order to fulfill our mission we should carry out in our alivs the principles of the gospel in this dis sensation pensa tion which is different from all others being the last of all the dispensation pensa tion of the fullness of times god has decreed to cut his work short and fulfill 11 the prophecies and promises of the past if we fail to see this it is because we lack the inspiration of the holy spirit to sae ana comprehend these things it has been laid down by the prophet joseph that one of our greatest dut ies is the redemption of the dead to whom we have the greatest obliga lions we have to build temples and do a mighty work in them aas less we work carefully for this we will be utterly wasted away in the coming of christ together with the wicked and ungodly those who hav a standing in the church ought to labor diligently to perform the crand work devolving upon us whereby we become zion it may be said if we save we also are saviors of man but it is impossible for us to save ourselves by and through ourselves if we are addicted to sin and crimes but it is not impossible for us to be saved bp the power of the son of god in no other way can it be done abis particular matter had been drawn to the aspea kers mind by an incident in the presidents office A man vrho had been member of the church for forty year until his mind became darkened and he fell away in unbelief came to the presidents office requesting to be restored to fellowship I but he did not acme back with a I prayerful humble and contrite spirit but with a proud mind he did not acknowledge been in error and but while declaring himself willing to sire to the holy priesthood he wanted to think and believe as he pleaded the first question of him was whether he believed in the efficacy of the blood of christ and when answering in the negative he was told by president john taylor that be could never become a member of the church unless and until he be lieveld in bis heart in the atonement of christ thi the speaker said was a glar ing inconsistency the last witness on earth to the di vine work of atonement by jeu and he came by no other authority than by the name christ in choso whoso names all the ordinations and ministrations of the gospel are per formed therefore for that man to claim belief in the divine mission of joseph smith and deny the atone benl of christ shows complete loss of the light of truth and reason a mind filled with darkness no man can receive joseph smith and then deny jesus christ neither can any one consistently receive jesus christ and deny joseph smith for he was the last witness of him to the world being raised others with him to bear testimony of the lord jeans to all mankind he was an instrument in the bands of god to establish the church and restore the holy priesthood to mankind through tiia testimony ren the world shall eventually be judged Koo necMi enjoy good fellowship in the church who does not believe in the atonement of jesus anyone bo a good and true latter day saint who denies the divine miggion of the prophet joseph we accept ani principle without it there ia no salvation for oar dvid it requires belief in these principles and a practice thereof of the church to be a member of jeoug christ to deny the erection ot temples the ordina lions and washings lor i beau professing delict in the ari for the i ike claim ing belief in and deny the atonement of christ abapo ing migra tigra for the bead gB and eions or the dead etro an gable part of a true sainta belief and they are cardinal of the goabel we are un principles plea commandment of god to have der the temples built and do a certain work therein otherwise we and our dead will be rejected by him we must alo ait braai butiong if we believe in ahe of ana in luo in the lomo of the biord must obey the lacot tithing we his like tha man who in elie wo re inco believed in the prophet joseph and rejected the atonement of without works we cannot per forni alt t it ii allwork which cannot be accomplished by faith alone faith alono doea not cut the rock in the mountains nor it nor join it to malta the wall of the we want to obey he law given by aba lord out of the principle of duty and filial affection to om ther gyore bel la our hearts against that fozuna and eno of duty towards oj w shut the door of approbation agai uBi aim and become tr aneer unto our obedience should not only him of abo be by consideration and reward to follow but by the beautiful feeling duty toward heavenly father there la no our nobility no godlin lm in the doing of of future remuneration thing in the hope a ration or reward there is no mune in doing no greatness A thing in order to be paid or biased for it i far more exalted christ like and godlike to do what i right and good because we kno it ij good and right whatever may be thore is something calfy great and noble in the soul of him who does good because he loica to do good our baptism lor the remission of sins should not be performed because we wish to escape the punishment of sin but because our hearts detest unrighteousness and love to do the will of the heavenly father knowing it ia the proper and acceptable to do love of righteousness and detestation of evil should b the mainsprings main springs prompting and impelling our actions thus wo will become similar to our elder brother jesus then we will have no feeling of animosity hatred or revenge towards our neighbors the man who will act upon alee principles though he be crucified for the love 01 truth will feel like jesus did when ho was crucified for ills love to man will feel to say father forgive them tor they know not what they do but so many of us feel differently we feel to implore the lord 10 smite to punish to crucify those who do evil things to us the speaker then in most sive terms characterized and denounced the folly and ungodliness of returning evil for fonvil vil of retaliating real or imaginary wrongs with equal punishments lie showed the beautiful excellency of the set to us by christ on the cross the feeling of retaliation leads to prejudice injustice rebellion against the priesthood and finally to aboa tacy if we want to be latter day saints we must covenant and agree that wa will be latter day sainta in truth and in deed now and to all eternity such elder smith m hauad in the name of israels bod was hia deagro and intention be cause he knew the gospel was good glorious purifying lie would for fire his brother not bear false witness cot bear malice in hia heart even though the offender docs not ask his forgiveness lie that has this love in his heart will be illuminated by the light of the lord he cannot stumble or waver but if we lose that love wo lose the light of christ and walk in dar knece As soon as we commence to become sel feih exacting full wo dwindle awny in darkness dar knets and unbelief the speaker illustrated the principle of mutual forgiveness and leniency by the parable of christ of the servant who was forgiven a large debt by his master while he had the fellow servant who owned him a small sum cast into prison this parable applies to us in all our walks of life the measure that we mete out to others will be meted out to us again elder smith if be wishes to go to heaven does to because be loves righteousness and virtue he will be neither coaxed nor scared into heaven we should do right because we love right and shun the evil because we hate the evil if we do wrong our pun ashment is sure but if we do right only because TO expect rewards we will never receive fie full blessings which we would enjoy if doing the right for the pure love thereof the expectation of rewards is a merces nary prompting which will corrode our souls but il we do good for its love our beuls seuls will become like the blacksmiths arm that grows stronger with every blow he strikes he that does the right for laye thereof will grow stronger and stronger he becomes a of the very elements into all time and eternity before concluding bis address elder smith rebuked the saints for not having attended yesterdays meeting when the reports of the bishops were given in these reports much wa said about the conduct of the saints which made his heart grieve there wa a lack of parental government so many parent do not know how to govern and control their children allowing them to grow up unruly rebellion wayward after giving valuable counsel to the parents with regard to the manage ment of the children and strongly exhorting the young to yield affection and obedience to their parents elder joseph P smith conn eluded hia edifying discourse die course with a prayer for the blessings of god the forenoon ger vicea were brought to a close ith an aniber by the hoir and parry rm the congregation was called to or der by counselor L J herrick and the choir bang the hymn sweet is aby work my lod my king elder C W penrose called on the lord and the hymn ye the lord was delivered by the choir during the administration of the sacrament the clerk of the and those of the weber slake of the nominations were all unanimously sustained and the congregation WAS exceedingly large elder woods ruf lookup the subject of emigration to arizona he said that all our labor of southern utah and arizona r great difficulties many people ayen despairing of the of redeeming the apparently sterile poll brother eldredge Eld redee hijii Belf when bent on a mission thither lyent and reported 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