Show A single from running brook elew the giant golieb Goli tb and ro illions of men since that time have died from tingle atone in the li ladder which Wara ere safe ehney and liver cure would red and cars ried away dja 18 it A card to 11 b u and atto abw alj hm I will wod acl TW rwjr w by 1110 I amree dmd r KIT T Sta km arcu rr CU WAD co in to drug and liquor a large block of stationery from the following statement of wil liam J coughlin of somerville mas is so remarkable that we beg to nek for it the attention of our readers lie gysi in the fall of I was taken mth a violent bleeding of the lunge followed by a severe cough I bonn began to lose ruy appetite and flesh I wa so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed in the summer of 1877 I was admitted to the city iboa pital while there the doctor aid had a hole in my left lung as big as a hitie dollar I expended over a hundred in and medicines I wai eo far gone at one time report went around ibata wee dead t gave up hope but friend told me of DK WM HALLS BALSAM FOR TUB LUNGS I lau glied at my friends thinking that my cabe wae incurable but I got a bottle them when to surprise and gratification commenced to feel better my hope once dead began to revive and to day I feel in better spirits than I have the pant three years I write this hoping you will pub liah it eo that every one afflicted loth dia ed lungs wilt be induced to take dr win ualle balsam for the inn a and bs convinced that con can be cured I have taken two bottles and can positively fay that it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my eick my cough hu almost entirely disappeared and I soon be able to go to work sold by druggist beware of ak for dr wm bialle balsam and take no other ly MOTTS LIVER abelho arelho best cathartic bajan 18 ly soai lungs cured by using brown chui coui baban del r ill con oxygenated filters is the oldest and beat remedy for dyspepsia malarga andi all disorder of the and all diseases dise asee indicating an impure condition of the blood kid neye liver Skin etc 18 ly sore t and tico browna dl FOR western uee browne watern remedies for baio by all dealers in medicine in and dl BAKERS PANACEA cures pain in man and beast for use externally and internally do yon that in this town there arc coores of persons passing cur etore every day lives are made miserable by indigestion dyspepsia sour and distressed Stomach Liver complaint constipation etc when for 75 acta we wilt sell them shiloh guaranteed to cure sold by J W co wholesale and retail druggists Drugg ista and ormsby druggist logon occil ayr A of greist prominence in thirty sixth arcet new york city was unable to even help mr wm NJ suf fering he aivale attended upon diseased kidneys As an lion est man and he prescribed bed and cured him by using one bottle of darcera War cera safe kidney and iver Cure DB instantly worms and tho secretions which cause them ly A fact worth knowlus Know luc aro you a with tion coughs severe colde settled on the breast or any disease of the throat and lunga if go to your druggist wm driver son and get a bottle ol 01 this med acine baal atly been introduced froni germany and is bellins on ate cwi merits the people w going wild over its Buc cees and Dru giele 11 over our country are writing us ol 01 its wonderful cures among their cus tomera you alah to try its BU virtue get sample IQ ceala large beitle 75 cents three dose will any try it octa tt from to 60 bood for K A CO 10 r city at new york bead for their cat lone md term tholo if co win take grain in exchange for goods sleep ApiH tic aa sigui return when hosteller Bi ttereSa uel by a bilious moreover binco abe brain path izee cloady with the ami its associate organs th lirar en uie a their is rectified by the action ot the bittera Bit tere mental de produced by ment disappeared for sale by all druggists and dealers generally agreeable in the world for headache II 11 lern from r etnie of lie yelch ladaw and children and liria alic il taking art a 11 walli 14 wa nv tn all ne tant nat alj of duces tar be entirely free from fie to teem only price 25 acts large boxes u SOLD BY A LL RT CLASS D RUGG THE wf GOOD ALU PROFESSOR HERMANS isla te DC far to anitohin Ani thin tt for mice insects on poultry was beetled Be etlee alws a ul inject ati on cheep rr bote 10 lo ca autt tic pra tn ha beba ii iu laau abi ottok coffe I w abil loa b clr wibb tc 14 er ta from 11 II ld all id rill kp tu oll rote ii m j 11 iau to on or daf u III bot it direct for nj oa lias city of londen Lond rn angla gla g sliver mje t br imar of i SOB sol afati ad ua oily auh lock IT a ignall no 27 gotico for publication V S bod officer SK uke city notice I bluit the bittler to bilk floal proof la aport of claim bajo car finkl entry tb of ad i id proof lit b aible wore th probate jabir of county jtb or la hit limnie wore the ink f uld court t th court aloa la city county W T ali ly A gorr worb corb katry 2317 tb JB lat of sec la of I ait kaj mci aka follow lag lan rel dene spott bod of ikid v joba frell Ila iladoy duy anre Stol linx l ady 11 II u auli 11 Uc fr bartt Joba fOB aint dellot 1191 nl by boac helpa k ulba I I L I tarby lwy from your itkor abo b imy uk JT tk of th good chaice for lia tu r ofard terlly rulx nut lupro oli la we at miny I bcd hr right a owa loolU liei the will py mor teim atje tl ajo ad KH that comire fm iolob fah to r rl liy you eia a tata four lol tiia tu tir w k or only apu ipu ull ja hamim ail lud 41 a cilmon CiL MOb CO law aid collection house 39 P U C etke Coil ccUen neg ehte bloant nod to nil iq LAND r alt ad Kii tbt rod LAND bacht ad oar price allt 2029 of dry good etc irell b luned about march lit 1881 price quoted in no aa will remain bood until that date send n your earl for copy of no to addre dd re WABD CO wabash III children pitchers gastona Oa stona liae and recommend it IT IS NOT NARCOTIC CEN TAVIt the worlds great pain ec ii oving remedies they heni and curo burns wounds weak back and upon man and sprains galls and lameness upon beasts cheap quick and reliable SPURTS of tl leatine moons pains in the bied breath Deaf noe and any catarrhal complaint can exterminated wel do beyore catarrh curo a constitutional tut ional antidote liy abord alon tho most important dir covery ainoo vaccination FOR SALE e LOT A ja adilen ca the wilton tim os U with full tr rib ali Ioe pr wel oo 00 uha duall ln I if you want jt TT JIM akle y v bl your lrich fruit oats corn nud ayrd to sidney stevens IF YOU WANT orain or lauerne seed buggies wagons ha cry faaui basli hasli doors blath or build lug mi rini trini t rail or leave order at lits CITY or want winter floods boott cou Nult by exa mili liff alls atouk ami prices t NORTH OGDEN SIDNEY STEV ENS ogden city and north lasu |