Show from wednesdays daily june the lunatic asylum we read the following report of the territorial asylum in this mornings heralds the asylum met at the appointed hour on tuesday and occupied the entire forenoon in the transaction of business it was then decided to adjourn until when the board should vote by ballot for the choice of a location salt lake county has votes utah county votes weber county and davis county with the governor representing the territory and making votes in all two ballots were ta ken each resulting in votes for salt lake county ifor utah for weber nad for avs giving salt I lake one vole above her own while the other counties have received the same number of which they are entitled to cast nothing can be as to how the members aro voting an adjournment was taken morning when tho balloting will be resumed the board in the first place decided to settle on one odthe each county and then tho vote which gave to tho lucky county the asylum would also settle the question as to which of the sitta offered in the county should be accepted acting upon tills plan in salt lako county dr S B youngs asylum ala select ediin utah county braves davia county th e mouth of shepherds Canyo nand in weber peery and herricks acres by special from salt lake city we learn that the vote in session of the territorial lunatic asylum commission wa in favor of dauw county mouth of shepherds canyon provided that the supply of water and title to tho land prove satisfactory A lias been appointed to investigate alio llio burton dusinberry Duson berry and winder the corn mission adjourned lo 10 day |