Show A woman humorous learisa man in ing household expenses but he beat her economizing on cigars misa chalker and mr of cheshire were married recently they intend to go into the milk business in they have strawberries and croom gren and yellow devor all the year round you never saw my handa aa dirty as that said a petulant to her little girl no but your ma did was the reply the irish doctor and thin wi regard to the amellin atthe back ye I dont apprehend anything kapo yer eye sharp pon when you can enough for a man ay he h one of a tanu and it will bo true aa long aa there are other mea in the world ma arc you boing poing to gian me another piece of pie M what do yon want to know for Jeanet tc because ifju aint I want to eat this A kounz lady just home from boarding school on being told by the servant that no gooseberries goose berries exclaimed why what has happened to the goose ob grand na cried a miach erous little urchin I cheated the hens so nicely just bowl I threw your gold and they thought they were corn and ate them as fast as they could I declare mother said a pretty little girl in a pretty little way it is too gend me to bed when I ana not sleepy and you always make me get up when I am eleby widow worth is ready to marry provided ho can find ft coati who knows enough almost any man knows enough to marry ft woman coma here sir and I will settle with you for your day no dad I have conscientious scruples about receiving back pay of labor aunt mary well tommy shall I cary your bat and cricket stumps so aulty aunty tanks me tarry bat and lumps oo 00 ary me doctors now fay that boiled cows milk is not good for babies it u bet ter raw exchange th a doctors are right a raw cow gives better milk than a boiled one bews yews A gaa mater bays the boston cow ur cares nothing far comfort or sociability ci the whole family may ace absent three weeks in a month with the house shut up and the meier does not find it out but goes on evoi the fame the joneata left the house ma mb smith does kars jonea buy dont know doar her mother do you ask bausic Ca ie waw BO you know ina alon A little boy aadil h ain t want lie loft ome little oy hit mother would jp very hanL fil to aci it the why bont yoli give il 10 them un alie alil |